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User stories : service development and testing

mkalam-alami edited this page May 9, 2012 · 1 revision
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CXXXXX - existing service refactoring

As a developer refactoring existing service implementations and exchanges,

  • I want to listen, record and replay existing HTTP service calls, so that I can design comprehensive functional tests and easily get drivers for them
  • I want to easily get simulations of those HTTP services providing the same behaviour, so that I can work without the actual service implementation
  • I want to try slightly different versions of those service calls and simulations (request template suggestions), so that I can try easily try other tests & mockup implementations

CXXXXX - mocking unimplemented services

As a developer testing code consuming an unimplemented service,

  • I want to use FraSCAti Studio to mock it
  • I want to use Talend Studio to mock it

Improve - SOA testing levels

  • As a service application (unit) tester, I want to mock all consumed services so that some behaviours will work while developing (running development instances, using service testing clients...) (using code mocks)
  • As a service application tester, I want to mock all consumed services, make automated calls (drive) to the provided ones and check assertions on the resulting responses and / or state (using HTTP mocks), so that I can have (automated) check of some expected behaviours
  • As an SOA integration tester, I want to proxy all service exchanges, do the same automated calls and assertion checks so that I can have (automated) check that the full SOA has the same behaviour has the application test
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