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Setting up the service event subscription UI

wilfried2006 edited this page Aug 7, 2012 · 7 revisions

The first step you should do is installing ruby on rails Framework, and get Nuxeo.

Install Ruby on Rails

Recommanded version >=Ruby 1.9.3p194, download the sources on ruby on rails and follow the instructions of the readme file.

When you finished the ruby installation, run the commands:

  • sudo gem install rails install the rails gems
  • sudo gem install thin install thin server for start the application

Download and configure the application

Clone the git repository: git clone git://

Enter in the easysoamonitoringrails folder, and run these commands:

  • bundle install This install all the needed gems of the application
  • rake db:create This will create a sqlite database in the db's folder of the application
  • rake db:migrate This will create all the tables needed subscriptions, users...
  • rake db:seed This will insert some data in the tables previously created

Configure Nuxeo

Start nuxeo using the 8080's port. connect yourself as Administrator, then access to
'Admin Center' -> 'Oauth OpenSocial'->'Consumers' then add a new one with these properties:

  • Consumer Key: bob
  • Consumer Secret: bob
  • Allow OAuth verifier check bypass: Yes
  • Enabled: Yes

Now your nuxeo is ready to share with the rails application.

Launch the application

In the main application folder run the command:

thin start This will launch a rails web server

Access this url http://localhost:3000/users/connexion with your prefered web brower.

Then enter login and password, this will redirect you to the nuxeo authorize url, enter your nuxeo's information then It will ask you about the time you want your access token been available. if you are already registered in the application database, you will be redirect to the welcome page, if not you will be redirect to the register page,If you complete and validateteh form you will access to the welcome page.

Essentials Steps

Nuxeo should run at 8080.

You should use the same username for both applications (Nuxeo and Rails application).

You should configure a oauth's consumer in nuxeo.

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