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mkalam-alami edited this page Jun 17, 2011 · 9 revisions

Document types

The registry is based on three document types:

  • The "Service" doctype represents the specifications/documentation of a single service.
  • "Service API" is an aggregation of services. In the case of SOAP services, it can store and parse a WSDL file.
  • "Appli Impl" stands for an application, i.e. the services root. It is called "application implementation" in contrast to "business application" (technical, concrete vs business-oriented information).

The registry arborescence is made to reflect the different aggregations : Applications contain APIs, and APIs contain either Services or other, lower level APIs.

Source code

The main part of the document types creation is made by XML contributions to Nuxeo. They are located in resources folder of the easysoa-model-core-demo bundle.

In particular, the ''schemas/'' folder contains XSD files that declare "document schemas" (a group of reusable document properties): you will find there the complete list of each document properties. You may also want to check the ''OSGI-INF/core-type-contrib.xml'' file.

Repository screenshots

The screenshots let you have a peek at the properties available for the different document types.

Appli Impl.

Service API


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