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Maven tips and good practices

jcarsique edited this page Feb 27, 2012 · 10 revisions

Content of POM files

Avoid duplication: configuration is inherited from the parent POM, no need to redefine everything in each POM.

Always set artifacts' versions in dependencyManagement/dependencies, not directly in dependencies. That eases management, helps to keep coherence, to uniform the versions used by sub-modules and ensure the build and test environment will be relevant regarding the final runtime environment.

Same rule for plugins which versions must be defined in build/pluginManagement/plugins rather than directly in build/plugins. That also allows to share some common plugin configuration between modules.

Never use ${project.version}, ${version} or ${pom.version} in dependencyManagement, prefer use of a property. Such dynamic properties will be overridden at inheritance, generating issues for any dependent project with a different versioning.

If using artifacts not available from the Maven Central, it's better to use a self-hosted Maven repository (for instance Nexus) that will proxy other repositories. That way, required artifacts for building are kept in a cache and still available even if the source repository is down (or encounters any issue). So, when needing an artifact for a third-party public repository, ask your Maven repository administrator to add a proxy on it rather than referencing it into the POM. A specific Maven profile can still be set to circumvent that rule and directly call the repository.

There's no need to distinguish the POM listing modules to build and the parent POM of those modules. That practice is confusing and doesn't provide big benefits, even if it's still often used in Apache projects.

To run a specific test with maven :

mvn -Dtest=className test

How to use common test classes in different projects ?

Situation : There are some service mocks in the HTTP discovery project that I want to re-use in another project. These mocks are packaged in src/test/java so they are unavailable in other projects, even with a dependency.

One solution is to create a separated project containing only the mock code and then add dependencies in other projects to get access to the mock classes. Of course, the mock package must be in src/main/java to be usable. In addition, you need to set the dependency scope to 'test' to avoid to have the mock classes in the final jar.


Another solution, which avoid to create a specific project, is to use the following goal : test-jar

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