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Importing an SCA Model

mkalam-alami edited this page Jun 10, 2011 · 7 revisions

From any page in Nuxeo, you can access the SCA import through a link in the top menu. It leads to a specific form when you can specify a .composite file to import.

From there, you'll have to specify:

  • The .composite file to import (for exemple, you can try to import this exemple .composite)
  • The application where the data will be imported.

When the file will be submitted, the .composite XML will be parsed to extract relevant services, and add them to the Nuxeo repository:

Limitations: For now, the import is quite basic, since it assumes all services come from the same application. It will also only import services exposed through REST or WS bindings.

During the import operation, the service hierarchy should be rebuilt, for exemple by grouping all WS that refer to the same WSDL under a single API.

##Developer information

For more technical information about how this works, see SCA Import.

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