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Exchange record, replay & more

mkalam-alami edited this page Jul 17, 2012 · 2 revisions


  1. Recording exchanges
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Run manager UI
  4. How to make exchanges to record
  5. Replay & validation using the service registry

Recording exchanges


Run manager UI

Just browse to http://localhost:8084 to access the "run manager" UI. From there, you can create and delete "runs" which are simply a ordered set of HTTP requests, recorded on demand.

Usually, the process would be:

  1. Type the name of a new run, and start it
  2. Make some exchanges to let them be recorded
  3. Stop the run (it will be saved automatically)

How to make exchanges to record

When a run is recording, exchanges are captured from two sources:

  • From every application configured to use the HTTP monitoring proxy (example: Pure Air Flowers sample)
  • From Nuxeo, thanks to a servlet filter (all HTTP requests are captured)

In order to make a feature such as the scheduled validation, a useful set of exchanges to record would be the REST requests that led to the discovery of services. In order to do that, simply use, for instance, the Discovery by Browsing to find some services.

Replay & validation using the service registry


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