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mdutoo edited this page Feb 1, 2013 · 14 revisions


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Setup
  3. Installing the demo
  4. Browser configuration
  5. Running the demo
  6. Troubleshooting



Installing the demo

Get the archive on the official website, then unzip it anywhere.

Browser configuration

One feature of the demo requires that you use a specific proxy for your browser. You will need to set your HTTP proxy to, like below. Not that you have to remove any proxy exception, such as localhost or

Running the demo

  • Start the demo by running ./ on Linux, ./run.bat on Windows.
  • Stop it by pressing any key in the console while the demo is launched.
  • Reset the whole demo by deleting the serviceRegistry/nxserver/data folder when the demo is stopped.

The demo welcome page is at (the run script should open a browser automatically). If you meet any issue while using the demo, refer to the troubleshooting section below.


Here are the most frequent problems you can get while using EasySOA (remember that it's just a demo!). If your problem is not here, feel free to create an issue.

Discovery by browsing

The browser doesn't seem to use the proxy

Check your browser configuration for proxy exclusions, ex. 'localhost,': you need to remove all of these.

If you are using the Chrome browser, you can also try to run : chromium-browser --proxy-server="" --proxy-bypass-list="". It will launch the browser with the right configuration.

Service registry

SCA Import: my application doesn't appear

Try logging out and in again, it's probably a caching problem.

The dashboard fails with "403 error" or "500 error"
  • "500 error": just restart the demo, it's a known Nuxeo bug (NXP-7663: "InvalidReferenceException: Expression lang is undefined on line 2, column 23 in dynamic-translations.ftl" , due to unsafe threading)
  • "403 error": we're not sure yet why it happens, but disabling the proxy can help.
I can't find my documents using the virtual navigations

You may need to specify your API's business domain or your application's environment to allow documents to be nicely classified. However the virtual navigation currently has a few bugs, and you shouldn't rely on it too much (especially the navigation by server).

Nuxeo doesn't restart at the end of the wizard

Restart manually after setting in bin/nuxeo.conf the property: nuxeo.wizard.done=true

On windows, changing JAVA_OPTS, JAVA_HOME or nuxeo.log.dir in bin/nuxeo.conf doesn't work

Workaround : set them in bin/nuxeoctl.bat (for JAVA_OPTS, look for the line beginning by : "%JAVA_OPTS%" == "").

Buggy WSDLs

Buggy WSDLs, such as having bad XML, no version and / or containing no service endpoint, are in EasySOA Core the cause of 1. strange api or service names or wsdl and 2. validation failure, and in logs "failed to lock database, timeout" errors. To solve it, remove them all.

Talend AirportService WSDL validation fails

This is due to a hack to cope with an alpha Talend ESB runtime that didn't provide detailed WSDL types. This doesn't happen when using official Talend ESB releases.

EasySOA Light

When using a service, I get an "Error code 0"

Something has not been properly launched, probably because a server wasn't ready yet before to start the next one (your computer was slower than expected!). Take a look at the log files to see which server failed, and launch it manually (each server has a and .bat script).

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