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mkalam-alami edited this page Sep 29, 2011 · 6 revisions


The only prerequisite for running the demo (for contributing, see Development-Environment) is Java JDK 6 (use the one from Sun). You'll need to set your JAVA_HOME variable to your Java install directory.

Get the archive on our website, and unzip it. Then configure the browser to use the web proxy as proxy:

Start the demo

Note: During your first launch, you might need to configure Nuxeo using the online wizard. When you're asked, select "embedded database".

Restart the demo

To reset the demo, delete old & unwanted services in Nuxeo, empty your browser cache and restart the run script.

  • To restart Nuxeo manually, click on Stop in the Launch user interface or launch bin\Stop Nuxeo.bat, check it is stopped in the windows Task Manager, then click on Start or launch bin\Start Nuxeo.bat
  • If Nuxeo doesn't restart at the end of the wizard, restart manually after setting in bin/nuxeo.conf the property: nuxeo.wizard.done=true


Here are the most frequent problems you can get while using the demo (remember that it's just a demo!). If your problem is not here, you can create an issue.

Discovery by browsing

Suspends on 'connecting...', or the services don't appear
  • Try refreshing the page
  • Maybe the service registry isn't launched yet, depending on your machine it could take several minutes (you can check its status by opening the log file log/serviceRegistry.log)
The web proxy seems not to be used
  • If it seems the browser doesn't use the web proxy, check the configuration for proxy exclusions, ex. 'localhost,, ': you need to remove all of these.

Service registry

Some services have the "Call it!" button disabled
  • As this is a demo, the EasySOA Light part is highly mocked and pre-generated. For now, only two services can be called through EasySOA Light.
The dashboard values aren't up to date
  • Unfortunately, we met indeed some caching problems with the services dashboard. You can try restarting Nuxeo to refresh the cache.

SCA import

My application doesn't appear
  • Try logging out and in again, it's probably a caching problem

EasySOA Light

The Smart Travel service returns en "Error code 0"
  • Something has not been properly launched, probably because a server wasn't ready yet before to start the next one. Try to re-launch manually the frascati/ script.
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