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Query Retrieve with Series Metadata

Vrinda edited this page Mar 27, 2023 · 1 revision


The test is to verify that Retrieve Cache is used when query/retrieve is being done from a Nearline storage even after the series metadata is accumulated. This means that object(s) are first copied to the retrieve cache from nearline and then sent to destination. In addition to that, the json file(s) of the object(s) in the updated series-metadata zip files should now also contain the reference to retrieve-cache storage.

Note : It is assumed here, that purging of instance records is not enabled.

  • Go to Configuration page of Archive UI, Devices tab and edit dcm4chee-arc device. Edit extension of Device Extension, next Edit extension of Archive Device and then to Attributes section.
  • Ensure that one does NOT have any values set for fields Purge Instance Records Delay and Purge Instance Records Polling Interval and Purge Instance Records and Save.


In addition to basic configuration done for retrieve cache, below configuration is needed to enable the accumulation of series metadata feature.

Using Archive UI

  • Go to Configuration page, Devices tab and edit dcm4chee-arc device. Edit extension of Device Extension, next Edit extension of Archive Device. Create a new Child Object for series-metadata as Storage Descriptor with values as shown below.
  • Go back to Attributes section of Archive Device and ensure that one has values set for fields Series Metadata Storage ID, Aggregate Series Metadata Delay and Update Series Metadata Polling Interval and Save.

Using LDAP

One may

  • create a LDIF file (e.g.):

      dn: dcmStorageID=series-metadata,dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      dcmProperty: pathFormat={now,date,yyyy/MM/dd}/{0020000D,hash}/{0020000E,hash}/{now,date,HHmmss}.zip
      dcmProperty: checkMountFile=NO_MOUNT
      objectClass: dcmStorage
      dcmStorageID: series-metadata
      dcmURI: ${}/series-metadata/
      dn: dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      changetype: modify
      add: dcmSeriesMetadataStorageID
      dcmSeriesMetadataStorageID: series-metadata
      dn: dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      changetype: modify
      add: dcmSeriesMetadataDelay
      dcmSeriesMetadataDelay: PT1M
      dn: dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      changetype: modify
      add: dcmSeriesMetadataPollingInterval
      dcmSeriesMetadataPollingInterval: PT1M
      dn: dicomDeviceName=dcm4chee-arc,cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=dcm4che,dc=org
      changetype: modify
      add: dcmSeriesMetadataFetchSize
      dcmSeriesMetadataFetchSize: 10  

One may refer to Archive Device and Storage Descriptor to understand the description of attributes.

Refer ISO-8601 Duration format for more know-how on Durations.

Go to the Control tab on Configuration page in archive UI and reload the configuration.


  • Perform test steps 1-3 and the corresponding verifications.
  • In addition, verify the size, path and ID of series metadata storage in the private attributes Series Metadata Storage ID, Series Metadata Storage Path and Series Metadata Storage Object Size on Series/Object level.
  • Also, verify that Storage ID (77771050) in the object's json file in has value as retrieve-cache.
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