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Export received DICOM instances

Vrinda edited this page Mar 27, 2023 · 1 revision


This is an alternative to Forwarding of received instances which makes use of an UPS on Store and UPS Processing Rule instead of an Export Rule and a DICOM Exporter. This feature makes use of Unified Procedure Step Service Class to process export of DICOM instances as a workitem.


Configure a UPS on Store and note the following :

  • To be able to export objects to more than one destination, configure a UPS on Store rule for each destination, by associating the respective Destination AE in each of the UPS on Store rules. In such a case, set value of UPS Instance UID based on name with a unique prefix for each of the UPS on Store rules, for eg. DicomExport-Destination1-{StudyInstanceUID}
  • Similarly, if there are more than one UPS on Store rules configured for different purposes like set the value of UPS Instance UID based on name with a unique prefix for such UPS on Store rules, for eg. DicomExport-{StudyInstanceUID}.
  • By default, instances are retrieved from the database on object level. If Scope of Accumulation is set to Study or Series, these will be retrieved per study or series respectively.
  • Set Scheduled Workitem Code as (DICOM_EXPORT, 99DCM4CHEE, "Export by DICOM Storage"), so that this shall match with the value configured on the pre-configured DICOM_EXPORT UPS Processing Rule, for processing of the created UPS records.

Archive is already pre-configured with an UPS Processing Rule. Note the following :

  • UPS Processor URI is set as storescu:STORESCP. Replace the value of STORESCP with your destination AET, if there is no Destination AE selected in the UPS on Store configuration as indicated above.


  • Start storescp which acts as a destination.
  • Store studies to archive using storescu tool.
  • Verify in Navigation page -> UWL tab for created UPS records. Verify the UIDs of SOP Instances in the Input Information Sequence of the created UPS records.
  • Once the delay and polling intervals are reached, verify the Procedure Step State of the UPS record (changed from SCHEDULED to COMPLETED)
  • Verify that Performed Procedure Step Description in Unified Procedure Step Performed Procedure Sequence is set to Success. Also, the Output Information Sequence consists references of the SOP instances exported to the destination.
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