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Auto Deletion of Objects Online Storage

Vrinda edited this page Mar 27, 2023 · 1 revision


Before Creation of Series Metadata

  • Go to Configuration page of Archive UI, Devices tab and edit dcm4chee-arc device. Edit extension of Device Extension, next Edit extension of Archive Device and then to Attributes section.
  • Ensure that one does NOT have any values set for fields Series Metadata Storage ID, Aggregate Series Metadata Delay and Update Series Metadata Polling Interval and Save.
  • Ensure that one has values set for fields Purge Storage Polling Interval and Save.
  • Go to Child Objects and select the Storage Descriptor used for Online Storage fs1. Ensure one has values set for fields Deleter Threshold and Export Storage ID (which should have value as nearline) and Save.
  • Store objects to archive and trigger Export of objects either using Export Rule as explained in Forwarding of received instances or go back to Studies page and manually trigger an Export by selecting Queued Exporter option and selecting Exporter as CopyToNearlineStorage.
  • Verify that the objects are exported by going to Monitoring page Export tab; the status should be COMPLETED. One can also verify the objects stored on nearline storage system.
  • Verify Storage IDs of Study private attribute on Study/Series/Object level as nearline and Storage ID private attribute on Object level as nearline.

After Creation of Series Metadata

  • Go to Configuration page of Archive UI, Devices tab and edit dcm4chee-arc device. Edit extension of Device Extension, next Edit extension of Archive Device and then to Attributes section.
  • Ensure that one has values set for fields Series Metadata Storage ID, Aggregate Series Metadata Delay Update Series Metadata Polling Interval and Purge Storage Polling Interval and Save.
  • Go to Child Objects and select the Storage Descriptor used for Online Storage fs1. Ensure one has values set for fields Deleter Threshold and Export Storage ID (which should have value as nearline) and Save.
  • Store objects to archive and trigger Export of objects either using Export Rule as explained in Forwarding of received instances or go back to Studies page and manually trigger an Export by selecting Queued Exporter option and selecting Exporter as CopyToNearlineStorage.
  • Verify that the objects are exported by going to Monitoring page Export tab; the status should be COMPLETED. One can also verify the objects stored on nearline storage system.
  • Verify the size, path and ID of series metadata storage in the private attributes Series Metadata Storage ID, Series Metadata Storage Path and Series Metadata Storage Object Size on Series/Object level.
  • Verify Storage IDs of Study private attribute on Study/Series/Object level as nearline and Storage ID private attribute on Object level as nearline.

Before Purging of Instance Records from Database

  • Go to Configuration page of Archive UI, Devices tab and edit dcm4chee-arc device. Edit extension of Device Extension, next Edit extension of Archive Device and then to Attributes section.
  • Ensure that one does NOT have any values set for fields Purge Instance Records Delay and Purge Instance Records Polling Interval and Save.
  • Ensure that one has values set for fields Purge Storage Polling Interval and Save.
  • Go to Child Objects and select the Storage Descriptor used for Online Storage fs1. Ensure one has values set for fields Deleter Threshold and Export Storage ID (which should have value as nearline) and Save.
  • Store objects to archive and trigger Export of objects either using Export Rule as explained in Forwarding of received instances or go back to Studies page and manually trigger an Export by selecting Queued Exporter option and selecting Exporter as CopyToNearlineStorage.
  • Verify that the objects are exported by going to Monitoring page Export tab; the status should be COMPLETED. One can also verify the objects stored on nearline storage system.
  • Verify the value of private attribute Instance Record Purge State of Series is NO on Series/Object level.
  • Verify Storage IDs of Study private attribute on Study/Series/Object level as nearline and Storage ID private attribute on Object level as nearline.

After Purging of Instance Records from Database

  • Go to Configuration page of Archive UI, Devices tab and edit dcm4chee-arc device. Edit extension of Device Extension, next Edit extension of Archive Device and then to Attributes section.
  • Ensure Purge instance records from DB is configured.
  • Ensure that one has values set for fields Purge Storage Polling Interval and Save.
  • Go to Child Objects and select the Storage Descriptor used for Online Storage fs1. Ensure one has values set for fields Deleter Threshold and Export Storage ID (which should have value as nearline) and Save.
  • Verify the value of private attribute Instance Record Purge State of Series is PURGED on Series and/or Object level. Also verify the size, path and ID of series metadata storage in the private attributes Series Metadata Storage ID, Series Metadata Storage Path and Series Metadata Storage Object Size on series level.
  • Manually trigger an Export by selecting Queued Exporter option and selecting Exporter as CopyToNearlineStorage.
  • Verify that the objects are exported by going to Monitoring page Export tab; the status should be COMPLETED. One can also verify the objects stored on nearline storage system.
  • Verify Storage IDs of Study private attribute on Study/Series/Object level as nearline and Storage ID private attribute on Object level as nearline.
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