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Project Meeting 2018.11.15

Gabby Freeman edited this page May 27, 2022 · 1 revision


  • VEGUI updates complete and in a PR #210
  • @Matt now updating the tests, but currently having problems with #211
  • VEGUI runs the VERPAT reporting script after running the model, but that won't work for VERSPM so we're going to add an entry to the model run_parameters - "ReportingScript": ["verpat_reporting.R"] and the GUI will run that
  • Next, @Matt will update the tutorial

Scenario Viewer

  • VEScenario almost updated to output generic VEScenarioViewer input files #203
  • Delay in hours by vehicle classification metric is not in VERSPM so @Brian will review and suggest/make revisions
  • @Aditya working on updates for running VERSPM, should be done this week
  • @Aditya send example generic Scenario Viewer input files to @Mike so he can work on the updates
  • @Mike working on bar charts to replace pie charts in the Scenario Viewer #203
  • Scenario Viewer updates should be done in a few weeks

VE State

  • Created test Oregon data for VESimHouseholds package and ran all modules in package. Found and corrected error in PredictWorkers module code for using Azone relative employment inputs.
  • Changed where test datastore and other test results are saved. Test_Data/VE-State directory in modules directory. Has subdirectories Datastore, Log, ModelState. Did this to minimize data redundancy and space requirements on GitHub. This will also help with regression testing in future. Planning to move inputs here as well. Should consider this for all VE models. Only requires minor changes to test script. #121
  • Developed VESimLandUseData package which prepares the dataset used for VESimLandUse from Census, National Transit Database, and Smart Location Database. Documented using standard documentation format.
  • Finished methods for estimating all submodels that are part of VESimLandUse. Working on VESimLandUse package to implement the methods in modules.
  • Working on including documentation in standard documentation format (i.e. using in-script markup and documentModule function). Completed documentation for VE-RSPM modules in VESimHouseholds, VELandUse, VETransportSupply, VEHouseholdVehicles, and most of VEHouseholdTravel. #199
  • Changed devtools::use_data function call to usethis::use_data in process. #207
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