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Draft Release Notes for 1.1

Gabby Freeman edited this page May 27, 2022 · 1 revision

Packaged versions of the VisionEval framework are provided as .zip files. Each has an installation .bat file for Windows to automatically prepare the R environment.

These installers are packaged for R versions from 3.6.1 to 4.0.1.

Changes and enhancements:

  • A multi-modal alternative implementation of the metropolitan model VE-RSPM is now available. This is an alternative to the VETravelDemand which allows users to assess impacts on multimodal trips. For more information on the VETravelDemandMM module, implemented through the new VERSPM_MM model, see this reference (vignette) and this publication from Prof. Liming Wang for more details.

  • Safety Module has been added to VETravelPerformance, which adds functionality for users to calculate the safety impacts of the scenarios being evaluated. See [ !! Update this link after PR closed !! ] here for more details. This has been implemented for both VE-RSPM (TODO) and VERSPM_MM.

  • VE-Reports

  • VE-State

Instructions for Installing

  • Install one of the supported R versions using its default options (R 3.6.1 to 4.0.1). Make sure to leave the box checked that offers to add R to the Windows registry.
  • Download the corresponding installer .zip file
  • Unzip the downloaded installer into an empty folder of your choice
  • Double-click “VisionEval.Rproj” (this is the standard entry point – use it every time to start VisionEval)

a. If VisionEval has not run before, the batch file and associated script will set up a few pointers and the convenience functions (see below) b. Otherwise, it will move straight to step 5.a below

A command window will briefly appear followed by one of these: a. RGUI with the “Welcome to VisionEval!” message (you’re good to go) b. Your default browser pointing at the R download page (if you forgot to do step 1 or if you picked the wrong version) – just redo step 1 or steps 2/3 to get them consistent

The previous instructions for launching VEGUI, VERPAT, and VERSPM. remain the same.

a. vegui() starts VEGUI b. verpat() runs VERPAT c. verspm() runs VERSPM d. verspm_mm() runs VERSPM_MM (new multi-modal version of VERSPM) d. Note that there’s no helper function to run VESTATE from the command line yet – that will be added to the installation in a future release. You can just setwd() to the VE-State folder under “models” and then source(‘Run_Model.R’).


Version Changes
0.1 Initial release
0.1.1 Numerous updates to VELandUse and other modules
1.0 Added ve.export
Fixed bugs in unit conversions
Fixed issue with Azone file order dependence
1.1 Major updates to framework code, adding VERSPM_MM, safety module, updates to VEReports
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