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Project Meeting 2017.05.26

Gabby Freeman edited this page May 27, 2022 · 1 revision


  • Brian completed all the modules in the VESimHouseholds package. These modules include:
    • CreateHouseholds - creates simulated households with persons by age and also non-institutional group quarters population
    • PredictWorkers - predicts workers by age for each household (this is a new module which is needed for Liming's new multimodal travel models)
    • AssignLifeCycle - assigns a life cycle category to each household (also required by Liming's models)
    • PredictIncome - predicts annual household income. I reestimated this model from the original RSPM using the worker by age information which wasn't in the earlier model. This substantially improved the model fit.
    • PredictHousing - predicts the housing type (single family, multifamily, group quarters) for each household.
  • All the preparation of the estimation data is handled by the CreateEstimationDatasets.R script.
  • Revisions pushed to the develop branch.
  • The package passes all the R tests but has a note that the package is larger than what CRAN accepts. That's due to the inclusion of the PUMS data used to estimate the models.
  • @Ben and others to test these modules using the new module testing capabilities offered by the visioneval package.
    • In the 'tests' directory there are 3 folders:
      • 'defs' includes all the definition files required for the RVMPO test case
      • 'inputs' includes all the input files needed by the modules for the RVMPO test case
      • 'scripts' includes the test script. Running the script tests each module

visioneval framework

  • Brian added functions for implementing linear models, binary logit models, and binary search.
    • Writing these functions added some time, but they make module code more compact and understandable. In addition, they reduce a lot of redundant code in RSPM and should make transferal faster in the future.
  • Also modified the visioneval code to include units handling, as noted earlier.


  • Brian made some updates to the '' documentation and pushed those to the develop branch, but there is still more to do.

Next steps

  • @Brian plans to complete the next package which handles all the land use and system supply attributes
  • @Brian complete documentation updates
  • @Everyone test and review Brian's additions
  • @Ben to test Brian's new modules, and merge to master if acceptable
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