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Maurício Meneghini Fauth edited this page Nov 3, 2021 · 10 revisions
  1. About the tests
  2. PHP tests
  3. Selenium tests
    1. Configuring Selenium
    2. Running Selenium tests
  4. JavaScript tests

About the tests

All tests are located in the test directory, and it has the following structure:

  • test All testing related files
    • classes PHP unit tests
    • javascript JavaScript unit tests
    • selenium Selenium tests
    • test_data Files used by tests

PHP tests

PHPUnit is the tool that phpMyAdmin uses to run the tests written in PHP. To execute all tests, run the following command in your terminal:


To disable the code coverage report, run this command. It will be faster and will use less memory to execute the tests.

vendor/bin/phpunit --no-coverage

You can also run a single test file:

vendor/bin/phpunit --no-coverage test/classes/Dbal/DatabaseNameTest.php

Selenium tests

For the end-to-end testing, phpMyAdmin uses Selenium.

Configuring Selenium

If your browser is not natively in English, you should have to add this in

$cfg['Lang'] = 'en';

Otherwise, tests that are looking for a specific English message will fail.

The following environment variables configure where testsuite connects:


    Username to connect on the interface located at TESTSUITE_URL


    Password to connect on the interface located at TESTSUITE_URL


    Database prefix to use for testing (Avoid database grouping characters like _).


    URL where tested phpMyAdmin is available.

Additionally, you need to configure link to Selenium and browsers. You can either set up Selenium locally or use BrowserStack automated testing.

For local setup, define following:


    Host where Selenium is running.


    Port where to connect.


    Browser to use for testing inside Selenium.

With BrowserStack, set following:


    BrowserStack username.


    BrowserStack access key.

For example, you can use following setup in phpunit.xml:

    <env name="TESTSUITE_USER" value="selenium_user"/>
    <env name="TESTSUITE_PASSWORD" value="selenium_password"/>
    <env name="TESTSUITE_DATABASE_PREFIX" value="test"/>
    <env name="TESTSUITE_URL" value="http://localhost/phpmyadmin/" />
    <env name="TESTSUITE_SELENIUM_HOST" value="" />
    <env name="TESTSUITE_SELENIUM_PORT" value="4444" />

Running Selenium tests

To be able to run the Selenium tests, you need to have webserver, database and Selenium running.

To start the Selenium Server, you should run the following in a dedicated terminal:

  • Selenium 3
    java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar
  • Selenium 4
    java -jar selenium-server-4.0.0.jar standalone

After starting the Selenium Server, you can run the following command to execute all Selenium tests:

vendor/bin/phpunit --no-coverage --testsuite selenium

JavaScript tests

Jest is the tool that phpMyAdmin uses to test the JavaScript files. You can run it with the following command:

yarn run test
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