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William Desportes edited this page Apr 6, 2019 · 5 revisions

If you want to participate in GSoC 2012 as a student, you should do your best to persuade us that you are the best candidate.

Have time during summer

You are supposed to work the full summer on this project (this means twelve weeks of about forty hours per week). We are not going to accept you if you are not willing to dedicate this amount of time.

Also please check the GSoC 2012 timeline so that it won't collide much with your exams. n Get involved with phpMyAdmin

We accept only people who have already made some contribution to phpMyAdmin and are actively discussing details of the proposal on the phpmyadmin-devel mailing list. So you should get in touch with us as soon as possible, look at existing bug reports or feature requests and try to fix/implement some of them.

The best way to show us you are prepared is to publish your git tree (see Git) with some changes fixing bugs or implementing some improvements. This needs to be done by Wednesday, April 10th so that we can use this as one of options to evaluate proposals.

More details about developing phpMyAdmin are available at See also Tasks for junior developers.

Be familiar with the GSoC timeline

Official GSoC information is available at The timeline on the Google site mentions important dates, in particular:

  • March 26: students start submitting their proposal for phpMyAdmin to the Google Melange site
  • April 6: is the deadline for student applications
  • April 10, 19:00 UTC: (phpMyAdmin deadline) applicants should have submitted at least one patch; this is mandatory for our team to evaluate the proposals
  • April 20, 07:00 UTC: the phpMyAdmin mentoring team has to give to Google the final matching between mentors and students

Write a good proposal

The proposal represents yourself, so take care and write a good one. Use our template (it should be automatically used in Google Summer of Code site), fill in all fields and describe the project as much as you can.

Choosing a good title and summary also helps a lot, as it makes your proposal easily recognizable among others.

The schedule and list of deliverables is also crucial, because it will be used for your evaluation during the project. If you fail to properly list those, your mentor might expect you to do more work and you will not pass the evaluation.

Don't be afraid of submitting multiple quality proposals, the most exposed ideas from our ideas list usually receive several proposals and we choose only one. So having a backup proposal is a good idea.

Submit early and monitor comments to your proposal

If you submit your complete proposal early, you can benefit from comments which mentors will give you and update the proposal. You are recommended to subscribe to notifications on proposal page.

Learn technologies we use

We use Git for managing source code and trackers for tracking bugs/feature requests/patches. You're expected to use these during summer project, so you should know how to use them.


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