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Michal Čihař edited this page Apr 18, 2016 · 3 revisions

Please keep the titles, the text is there just for description and you can delete it from your application. You can find more detailed information in our applicant guide.


What's your name?


Where do you live? Which time zone?


What are you studying?

Email / IRC / Jabber

Where can we contact you?

WWW / Blog

Do you have a home page or a blog?


A short description of your project.

Benefits to the users

What does your project bring to the users?

Project Details

A more detailed description.


What will be the final output from your project?

Project Schedule

Include a weekly timeline for your project. What do you expect to have ready for mid-term and final evaluation?


How much time can you spend weekly on the project?


What is your motivation for participating in Google Summer of Code?


Tell us about yourself, what you did in the past.


What relevant experiences do you have? Do you know the technologies we use (MySQL, PHP, Git)?

Open source contributions

Have you ever contributed to an open source project, if so, to which project(s)?

phpMyAdmin contributions

Show us what you have contributed to phpMyAdmin so far. Please note that not providing any patch before GSoC, you most likely won't be accepted (see our applicant guide).

Favorite phpMyAdmin feature

What is your favorite phpMyAdmin feature?

phpMyAdmin improvement

What feature or improvement would make phpMyAdmin even better?

Category:Google Summer of Code 2013

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