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Isaac Bennetch edited this page Feb 19, 2021 · 1 revision

This is a draft of the application that the phpMyAdmin project will send to Google to apply as a mentoring organization. Students should most likely look at the applicant guide.

Website URL

Tagline [80 chars]

A web interface for MariaDB/MySQL written in PHP

Logo (PNG, minimum 256px tall)

[I used, which I loaded in to Inkscape to export a 300dpi PNG]

Primary Open Source license

GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPL-2.0)

Organization category

Data and Databases


Technology tags

Enter keywords for the primary specific technologies your organization uses. Examples: Python, Javascript, MySQL, Hadoop, OpenGL, Arduino

  • php
  • mysql
  • bootstrap
  • cakephp
  • JavaScript

Topic tags

Enter keywords for general topics that describe your organization. Examples: Vision, Robotics, Cloud, Graphics, Web, Real time

  • mysql
  • developer
  • administrator
  • web applications
  • database

Enter the URL of your Ideas List page

Short description [180 chars, markdown permitted]

We're developing phpMyAdmin, a MariaDB/MySQL web interface. It supports most MySQL features, is widely used by database administrators, and is well supported by hosting providers.

Long description [2000 chars, markdown permitted]

phpMyAdmin is a free and open source tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MariaDB and MySQL with the use of a web browser. It can perform various tasks such as creating, modifying or deleting databases, tables, fields or rows; executing SQL statements; or managing users and permissions.

Application instructions

Students are expected to submit some code as part of the application process to show that they have an understanding of the project. Mentors and other project members will help coach students through submitting a proper pull request, for students who are unfamiliar with the Github workflow.

Students are strongly encouraged to introduce themselves on the developers mailing list and/or Gitter channel. Nearly all project development discussion is handled through this mailing list, so it's helpful to subscribe and discuss your planned implementation.

Finally, submit your application through the Google site, and keep an eye out for mentor comments or questions. If the mentors have questions, concerns, or need any clarification they will ask through the GSoC site. Please use the application questions from the student application template.

Full application instructions are also posted on our GSoC wiki page.

Proposal tags

  • These are tags which students will be able to select from when submitting their proposals. It may be helpful to use this to group proposals in to categories by project.
  • code
  • mailing list
  • google

Contact information

Provide links to web pages describing how students can reach us through two of these three methods:

I did not include IRC as we have not been very active their lately.

Optionally provide links for:

Category:Google Summer of Code 2021

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