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Michal Čihař edited this page Jul 12, 2017 · 6 revisions



In times past, we have discussed donating money to some of the libraries we use. Let's talk about that again.

Libraries used:

  • jQuery
  • CodeMirror
  • jqPlot
  • OpenLayers
  • phpSecLib
  • Weblate


This list is quite incomplete. We are interested in this, but have concerns about excluding projects or how to decide which projects and how much to donate. Doing this will take some thought about how to best handle it.

Reverse proxy documentation


  • Is there anything particularly complex or delicate about using phpMyAdmin in this configuration over any other application?
  • Should we include guides for properly configuring a reverse proxy as part of our documentation?
  • Is there a need to bring back PmaAbsoluteUri?

See and


This has been addressed in the tracker; we will not call it PmaAbsoluteUri but there needs to be some means of setting the URL when using a reverse proxy and rewriting the URL.



How did go team presence at DebConf?


CI for security repo


With current amount of patches going into security repo, we really need CI on it. Currently we're using trial of, but that is going to expire soon.

They do not offer any free plans for private builds, cheapest plan is $69/month or $759/year, it covers only one parallel build. It can be increased temporarily to higher plans to get bigger build power.

The question is if we want to pay such amount for CI or do we see some other options?


We think the amount is too high to maintain coverage on the security repository. Michal will try to find an alternative, perhaps using our own Jenkins installation, but in the mean time we may extend Travis for a bit to maintain coverage of the security repository. We don't use a lot of the Travis features there, so it's not as important as covering the main repository where we often have pull requests and need feedback posted directly as a GitHub comment.


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