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Onboarding Federal Agency Clients

Ryan Wold edited this page Nov 15, 2019 · 5 revisions


This process outlines how to handle federal agency customers from initial contact through successful onboarding of the Touchpoints product. This process is related to what is often known as CRM (customer relationship management) or a "user funnel".


A federal agency staffer inquires about using the Touchpoints product.

Process Steps/Events

  • Touchpoints team acknowledges the inquiry by responding to the person who inquired and cc's
  • An introductory call is scheduled to elicit more information.
  • Touchpoints team get user account info from Onboarding Questions sheet
  • Touchpoints team ensures an Organization is created for the user's org in the Touchpoints Demo environment
  • Touchpoints team follows up with users after 1 week to see if there are any questions and determine if/how to move forward