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IDC Services Data Collection

Ryan Wold edited this page Dec 2, 2022 · 1 revision


  1. Visit Touchpoints Services page:
  2. Click "New Service" to create a new Service record.
  3. Fill out the form by answering each of the questions, and when complete, click "Create Service".
  4. Add "Channels" to your service by clicking "Edit", then, under "Channels", select one or more Channels from the dropdown list; the selected Channels will appear in a list, where you can manage them
  5. If you need to make any further Edits to your form, you can do so from the Edit page
  6. When you're ready to "Submit" the Service for review, click "Submit". An email will be sent to the OMB Service Manager. After the OMB Service Manager reviews, they will "Approve" the Service and then "Publish" the Service, making the Service available via API.