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October 2022 Editorial Calendar and Quiz Bowl

Alexander Schulte edited this page Nov 1, 2022 · 3 revisions

To kick off the new fiscal year, we shared’s FY23 editorial calendar and played a Halloween-themed quiz bowl to test our community knowledge and share facts about

Editorial calendar

This year we’re highlighting community topics and emphasizing digital and web observances. Email us for the slide deck if you don't have it -- you’ll find the outline of our calendar by quarter.

Action: Think about and align your community’s content and events with the monthly focus areas and observances. As we learned in our FY22 Managers Meetings, all our communities overlap. Have you thought about how multilingual or customer experience applies to your work? Maybe not! Brainstorm how what you’re doing fits into what the other community leads are doing — or as we like to call it, our community of communities.

Quiz bowl

The game portion of our meeting allowed for some laughs and fun. Thank you all for the hard work you do! Special shoutouts to Tori, Web Managers Community Co-lead, for taking home the win, and Kat, Sophia, and Tim, for wagering great guesses.

Action: Look at the quiz show slides (email us if you don't have them) and learn some fun facts about and Halloween.

Share with us your collaboration ideas — let’s work on them together.

Have questions, ideas, or feedback? Email us at to set up time for a 1-on-1 chat with our team.

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