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Instructions for Requesting a Captioner for an Event

Gabrielle King edited this page Mar 10, 2022 · 6 revisions

How to Request Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) for Meetings, Events, or Presentations


  1. Compose a new email and write in the subject line, “New Captioning Request for Event: (insert event name, date, time)”
  2. Send ( with the following information:
  1. Requestor’s Name
  2. Event Title
  3. Point of Contact for the Event (technical issues/difficulties- who to contact)
  4. Phone number and PIN for meeting room
  5. Date for the event
  6. Start and End time of Request (including time zone)
  7. Names of the speakers / panelist / participants that are going to present on the event
  8. Prep materials (acronyms, agenda, PowerPoint, documents) anything that will help the Writer/Captioner to prepare for the call
  9. Platform the Captioning will utilize
  10. URL and passcode for the Writer / Captioner to connect
  1. Review the information provided above for accuracy, and send.

Next Steps:

  1. Check your inbox for the confirmation email from which will include the request number
  2. Save and file the confirmation email
  3. When the captioner has been secured, you will receive another email with the following information:
  • Reservation number (ex: G22-690 GSA-GF)
  • Confirmation of date and start/ end time (ex: 3/9/22, 2:00-3:00 PM ET)
  • Confirmation of the event title (ex:Plain language and compassion to meet moments of crisis)
  • Captioner’s Information including:
  1. At the time of scheduled event/caption service, use the URL to confirm that captioner has arrived and captioning is working
  2. Download/save file at the conclusion of the scheduled event
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