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How Supports Communities

R Skelton edited this page Sep 23, 2020 · 1 revision supports its communities by serving as a platform to host content, creating new content relevant to members, and conducting events that increase collaboration or knowledge among its members. In addition, we monitor and start some discussions on the LISTSERVs to get member feedback and increase engagement, as well as identify new community leads when needed and look for opportunities to create new content.

Content Creation and Event Management focuses on content and events that will provide relevant, timely or evergreen resources for its target audiences – the community members and others looking to improve online customer experiences for federal products and services.

Based on our available resources, we will look to prioritize content requests that meet our primary focus or match our editorial calendar. Below are our various levels of support for content creation and event management.

  • Basic. Content that does match our audience needs or editorial calendar may receive a low level of support or resources from our team.
  • Moderate. Content that is relevant to our audience, but not a current focus for us based on our editorial calendar.
  • Priority. Content that is relevant to our audience and matches a current focus for us based on our editorial calendar. Support Basic Moderate Priority
Recommends events and content for future development
Participates in regular meetings relate to content and event development
Runs dry-runs and tech checks to prepare presenters for upcoming events
Secures captioner or accessibility needs
Coordinate with GSA building services to confirm room availability, room setup and additional requirements (e.g., AV and signage)
Manages conferencing technology on the day-of the event
Sets up branded Eventbrite to manage attendees (Not branded)
Heavy promotion support across all of our available channels
Set up a registration table for attendees and coordinate with security
Provides recording of the event
Edits and hosts content on and YouTube channel (Unlisted YouTube video)
Collects metrics and feedback (using a PRA-approved survey) to provide future recommendations to content creators and hosts
Drafts a resource, news or blog based on an interview or event
Collect and post relevant resources on the page
Promotes content via the newsletter
Reviews content for accessibility
Gather author details for author page
Update relevant pages to make sure content is connected across the site

For any event or piece of content, will provide an initial template for the requester to complete to help us move the content through our event process and gather the necessary information.

Start-up and Re-Engagement

Communities usually need additional support when starting up, when a new lead comes onboard, or when membership or group activity starts to decline. During these periods, will identify a specific resource to coordinate with the community lead(s) and create a specific plan for increasing membership or engagement.

This additional support will be dedicated for up to four months, and work with the lead(s) following an agreed upon work plan. These activities may include:

  • Help draft a Community “charter” or vision/mission statement
  • Establish goals for the community
  • Build or update community pages
  • Help identify and set up CoP leadership
  • Review LISTSERV settings
  • Provide a framework to schedule communications, huddles/meetings, content, event plan, and other activities
  • Look for opportunities to coordinate with other communities

Other Support Activities

Based on our experience across communities, will look to provide CoP Lead(s) and content providers with best practices, recommendations and advice when possible. This group support may include office hours, training, or documented walk-throughs to help them create better content and support their members.

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