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Commas that mean Or

Nic Dobbins edited this page Sep 25, 2020 · 2 revisions

There are two general varieties of comma-separated Events that appear in clinical trials criteria documents: (1) example lists, and (2) implicit Or lists.

How best to handle these?

  1. If a single category followed by examples - use Example Of for each, linking to the initial anchor Event.
  2. If multiple criteria, implicitly or'd - only use Or between criteria if the span between is "or" or "and/or". In other words, only annotate if "or" is explicit.

Why not annotate commas as Or? For one, it gets messy and unreadable quite quickly. Also, the patterns of implicit Or's are consistent enough that generally their logical normalization can be handled in post-processing.

Example-Of example

Anchor span 'brain disease', followed by examples. Each example 'Condition' is linked to 'brain disease' by 'Example-of' annotations.

Implicit Or example

Implicitly Or'd criteria. 'cognitive disorders', 'psychotic disorders', and 'bipolar disorder' have commas separating them, but are not annotated. Only the 'Or' between 'bipolar disorder' and 'substance abuse' is annotated, because it is explicit.
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