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Hall of Fame: Ranzear (Aug 24, 2011)

KoryuObihiro edited this page Aug 28, 2011 · 1 revision
        - WOOD_PICKAXE
        - IRON_PICKAXE
        - GOLD_PICKAXE
        - WOOD_SPADE
        - STONE_SPADE
        - IRON_SPADE
        - GOLD_SPADE
        - WOOD_HOE
        - STONE_HOE
        - IRON_HOE
        - GOLD_HOE
        - DIAMOND_HOE
        - WOOD_AXE
        - STONE_AXE
        - IRON_AXE
        - GOLD_AXE
        - DIAMOND_AXE
        - WOOD_SWORD
        - STONE_SWORD
        - IRON_SWORD
        - GOLD_SWORD
    - 'switch.attacker.type': #Begin major Offensive tree
        mob: #Let's make everything nastier with this first number. 2 is decent, 4-6 is pushing past 'hard mode'.
            - '2'
            - 'if Attacker.Y.lessthan.48': #Get deep, take extra damage
                - 'roll.2'
            - 'if Attacker.Y.lessthan.24': #Get deeper, take even more damage
                - 'roll.2'
            - 'if event.hasrangedelement': #This handles skeletons because I'm lazy.
                - '-1'
                - 'roll.4'
            - 'if Attacker.Y.lessthan.42': #Just in case HeroBrine shows up.
                - 'roll.2'
            - 'if Attacker.Y.lessthan.24':
                - 'roll.3'
        Player: #Flatten all damage, recant some portion of it per Tool or AIR (bare fist).
            - '-5'
            - 'if attacker.wielding.AIR':
                - '4'
                - 'roll.4'
                - 'if target.type.ZombiePigman': #Compensate blunt/slashing damage, etc
                    - 'div.2'
                    - '-2'
                    - 'roll.2'
                - 'if target.type.Zombie and target.fireticks.lessthan.20':
                    - 'div.2'
                    - 'roll.2'
                - 'if target.type.Skeleton':
                    - '1'
                    - 'roll.2'
            - 'if attacker.wielding._sword':
                - '6'
                - 'roll.4'
                - 'if target.type.ZombiePigman':
                    - '3'
                    - 'roll.2'
                - 'if target.type.Zombie':
                    - '3'
                    - 'roll.2'
                    - 'if target.fireticks.greaterthan.1':
                        - '3'
                - 'if target.type.Skeleton':
                    - 'div.2'
                    - '-6'
                    - 'roll.2'
            - 'if attacker.wielding._axe': #Let's make these useful since mcMMO has some neat axe effects and a melee skill that never gets used.
                - '8'
                - 'roll.4'
                - 'if target.type.ZombiePigman': #I quantify axes as 'blunt damage', just for balance purposes so they can be crazy player slayers but not so good against zombies.
                    - 'div.2'
                    - '-5'
                    - 'roll.2'
                - 'if target.type.Zombie and target.fireticks.lessthan.20':
                    - 'div.2'
                    - '-4'
                    - 'roll.2'
                - 'if target.type.Skeleton':
                    - '3'
                    - 'roll.2'
            - 'if attacker.wielding.BOW': #A little randomization for player arrows.
                - '-2'
                - 'roll.4'
                - 'if target.type.ZombiePigman': #and some reduction for 'piercing' types, but more just a down-randomizer.
                    - '-2'
                    - 'roll.2'
                - 'if target.type.Zombie and target.fireticks.lessthan.20':
                    - '-2'
                    - 'roll.2'
                - 'if target.type.Skeleton': #Except skeletons, who laugh at your arrows going right through them.
                    - 'div.2'
                    - '-2'
                    - 'roll.2'
            - 'if Target.Y.lessthan.48': #Players do less damage when 'deep' as well
                - '-1'
            - 'if Target.Y.lessthan.24': #Players do less damage when 'deep' as well
                - '-2'
            - 'if attacker.wielding._pickaxe': #Covering the rest of the tools, picks do 'piercing' like arrows, so get an extra hitch against skellies.
                - '3'
                - 'roll.2'
                - 'if target.type.Skeleton':
                    - '-4'
                    - 'roll.2'
            - 'if attacker.wielding._spade': #Shovels suck. Use it to dig your own grave! Except against zombies
                - '2'
                - 'if target.type.Zombie': #Easter eggs
                    - '4'
                    - 'roll.4'
                    - 'if binom.5':
                        - "message.attacker.<Shaun> Ed, this is serious!"
                    - 'if binom.5':
                        - "message.attacker.<Ed> Don't forget to kill Philip!"
            - 'if attacker.wielding._hoe': #This makes more sense with my server's texture pack, hoes look like scythes!
                - 'roll.4'
                - 'if target.type.Skeleton':
                    - '-2'
                - 'if target.type.ZombiePigman':
                    - 'roll.6'
                - 'if target.type.Zombie':
                    - 'roll.8'
            - 'if attacker.wielding.DIAMOND_AXE': #High Crit!
                - 'if binom.40':
                    - 'roll.12'
                    - "message.attacker.Critical Hit!"
                    - "'ve been critically hit!"
            - 'if attacker.wielding.DIAMOND_SWORD': #Crit!
                - 'if binom.30':
                    - 'roll.8'
                    - "message.attacker.Critical Hit!"
                    - "'ve been critically hit!"
            - 'if attacker.wielding.IRON_AXE': #Less Crit!
                - 'if binom.20':
                    - 'roll.6'
                    - "message.attacker.Critical Hit!"
                    - "'ve been critically hit!"
            - 'if attacker.wielding.IRON_SWORD': #Bitty Crit!
                - 'if binom.15':
                    - 'roll.4'
                    - "message.attacker.Critical Hit!"
                    - "'ve been critically hit!"
            - 'if attacker.wielding.GOLD_SWORD': #FIRE! Gold stuff is magical btw.
                - 'if binom.60 and target.fireticks.lessthan.20':
                    - 'targeteffect.addfireticks':
                        - '60'
                - 'if binom.100 and target.fireticks.greaterthanequals.20':
                    - 'targeteffect.addfireticks':
                        - '20'
            - 'if attacker.wielding.GOLD_AXE': #Magic or just insane, idk.
                - 'if binom.50':
                    - 'targeteffect.explode': '2'
            - 'if attacker.falldistance.greaterthanequals.1 and !event.hasrangedelement': #High ground has advantage in melee? Why not.
                - '3'
                - "message.attacker.Leap Attack!"
                - "'ve been sundered by a Leap Attack!"
            - 'if attacker.wielding.DIAMOND_HOE': #Now we just need cloaks and skull masks...
                - 'if binom.3':
                    - '10'
                    - 'roll.20'
                    - "message.attacker.Reaped!"
                    - "'ve been reaped!"
            - 'if attacker.wielding.GOLD_HOE': #Higher rate because of stupid low durability, but does slightly less insane damage.
                - 'if binom.5':
                    - 'roll.30'
                    - "message.attacker.Reaped!"
                    - "'ve been reaped!"
            - 'if attacker.wielding.IRON_HOE': #Just to keep the trend
                - 'if binom.1':
                    - 'roll.18'
                    - "message.attacker.Reaped!"
                    - "'ve been reaped!"
            - 'if attacker.wielding.WOOD_HOE': #Keep this our little secret!
                - 'if binom.1':
                    - 'if binom.1':
                        - 'targeteffect.explode': '1'
                        - 'roll.60'
                        - "message.attacker.SUPER REAPED!"
                        - "'ve been SUPER REAPED!"
            - 'if attacker.wearing.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE': #Deal less damage if wearing armor!
                - '-1'
            #- 'if attacker.wearing.LEATHER_HELMET': Just gonna negate these trivial pieces
            - 'if attacker.wearing.LEATHER_LEGGINGS':
                - '-1'
            #- 'if attacker.wearing.LEATHER_BOOTS':
            - 'if attacker.wearingonly.LEATHER_HELMET*LEATHER_CHESTPLATE*LEATHER_LEGGINGS*LEATHER_BOOTS': #Leather switches to a teeny damage bonus if wearing full set, larger bonus if shooting a bow or even if throwing eggs or snowballs!
                - '4'
                - 'if event.hasrangedelement':
                    - '3'
                    - 'roll.2'
            - 'if attacker.wearing.IRON_CHESTPLATE': #Iron really slows you down if you want that damage reduction...
                - '-2'
            - 'if attacker.wearing.IRON_HELMET':
                - '-1'
                - 'roll.1'
            - 'if attacker.wearing.IRON_LEGGINGS':
                - '-2'
                - 'roll.1'
            - 'if attacker.wearing.IRON_BOOTS':
                - '-1'
                - 'roll.1'
            - 'if attacker.wearingonly.IRON_HELMET*IRON_CHESTPLATE*IRON_LEGGINGS*IRON_BOOTS': #Wearing whole set negates a little penalty
                - '2'
            - 'if attacker.wearing.GOLD_CHESTPLATE': #Gold breaks the mould! Random damage bonus!
                - 'roll.3'
            - 'if attacker.wearing.GOLD_HELMET':
                - 'roll.1'
            - 'if attacker.wearing.GOLD_LEGGINGS':
                - 'roll.2'
            - 'if attacker.wearing.GOLD_BOOTS':
                - 'roll.1'
            - 'if attacker.wearingonly.GOLD_HELMET*GOLD_CHESTPLATE*GOLD_LEGGINGS*GOLD_BOOTS': #and a little guaranteed bonus with full set, with a chance of fire damage with any weapon!
                - '2'
                - 'if binom.10':
                    - 'targeteffect.addfireticks': '20'
            - 'if attacker.wearing.DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE': #Diamond's pieces will randomly negate the penalty
                - '-2'
                - 'if binom.50':
                    - '2'
            - 'if attacker.wearing.DIAMOND_HELMET':
                - '-1'
                - 'if binom.50':
                    - '1'
            - 'if attacker.wearing.DIAMOND_LEGGINGS':
                - '-2'
                - 'if binom.50':
                    - '2'
            - 'if attacker.wearing.DIAMOND_BOOTS':
                - '-1'
                - 'if binom.50':
                    - '1'
            - 'if attacker.wearingonly.DIAMOND_HELMET*DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE*DIAMOND_LEGGINGS*DIAMOND_BOOTS': #Full set gives a little random life leech.
                - 'attackereffect.heal': 'roll.2'
        animal: #Same 'deep' thing, but on wolves if they get down there...
            - 'if Attacker.Y.lessthan.48':
                - 'roll.2'
            - 'if Attacker.Y.lessthan.24':
                - 'roll.2'
        lightning: #Boosh!
            - '-2'
            - 'roll.6'
        lava: #I'd rather the lava kill me than the fire ticks afterward
            - '2'
            - 'if target.wearing.DIAMOND_BOOTS': #Direct exposure reduction. Could probably wade through lava for a short time with gold boots and iron damage reduction... which is AWESOME!
                - '-4'
            - 'if target.wearing.GOLD_BOOTS':
                - '-6'
            - 'if target.wearing.IRON_BOOTS':
                - '-2'
            - 'if target.wearing.LEATHER_BOOTS':
                - '-1'
        explosion: #Helmets reduce this. Gold is extra good of course.
            - 'if target.wearing.DIAMOND_HELMET':
                - '-3'
            - 'if target.wearing.GOLD_HELMET':
                - 'div.2'
            - 'if target.wearing.IRON_HELMET':
                - '-2'
            - 'if target.wearing.LEATHER_HELMET':
                - '-1'
        fall: #Boots reduce fall damage. Not by too much though...
            - 'if target.wearing.DIAMOND_BOOTS':
                - '-2'
            - 'if target.wearing.GOLD_BOOTS':
                - '-6'
            - 'if target.wearing.IRON_BOOTS':
                - '-1'
            - 'if target.wearing.LEATHER_BOOTS':
                - '-3'
        void: #Get on with it!
            - 'set.20'
        burn: #Tick damage reduction. Gold practically negates.
            - 'if target.wearing.DIAMOND_LEGGINGS':
                - '-3'
            - 'if target.wearing.GOLD_LEGGINGS':
                - '-5'
            - 'if target.wearing.IRON_LEGGINGS':
                - '-2'
            - 'if target.wearing.LEATHER_LEGGINGS':
                - '-1'
            - '2'
        fire: #Direct exposure reduction.
            - 'if target.wearing.DIAMOND_BOOTS':
                - '-4'
            - 'if target.wearing.GOLD_BOOTS':
                - '-6'
            - 'if target.wearing.IRON_BOOTS':
                - '-2'
            - 'if target.wearing.LEATHER_BOOTS':
                - '-1'
            - '2'
        drowning: #Changes drowning dynamic. Won't get stuck underwater because of constant damage taken, but still drown just as fast.
            - '3'
            - 'targeteffect.addairticks': '40'
        cactus: #This is more to reduce damage to mobs. Player's armor handles the rest.
            - '-2'
            - 'roll.3'
            - '2'
            - 'roll.4'
            - 'if event.environment.NETHER': #Make em extra nasty!
                - '2'
                - 'targeteffect.addfireticks': '20'
        Creeper_Normal: #Damage reduced when wearing a helmet, gold is extra good.
            - 'if target.wearing.DIAMOND_HELMET':
                - '-3'
            - 'if target.wearing.GOLD_HELMET':
                - 'div.2'
            - 'if target.wearing.IRON_HELMET':
                - '-2'
            - 'if target.wearing.LEATHER_HELMET':
                - '-1'
        Creeper_Charged: #Creeper cluster bombs?
            - 'targeteffect.explode': '2'
            - 'if target.wearing.DIAMOND_HELMET':
                - '-3'
            - 'if target.wearing.GOLD_HELMET':
                - 'div.2'
            - 'if target.wearing.IRON_HELMET':
                - '-2'
            - 'if target.wearing.LEATHER_HELMET':
                - '-1'
        Spider: #Spiders are less hax but will always do a half heart (You'll see later in this config).
            - '-3' #They definitely still chew up your armor fast though.
            - 'roll.7'
            - 'roll.4'
        Zombie: #Zombies heal by biting things!
            - '2'
            - 'roll.2'
            - 'attackereffect.heal': '5'
            - 'roll.8'
            - 'if event.value.greaterthan.7':
                - 'attackereffect.setsize': '8'
            - '-4'
        #Skeleton: Handled earlier cause I'm lazy.
            - '2'
        Wolf_Wild: #Similar to spiders, slightly less damage because they hit fast but chew up your armor.
            - '-4'
            - 'roll.4'
            - 'if event.time.lessthan.14000': #Normalized damage at night
                - '2'
            - 'if event.environment.NETHER': #Wolves spawned in the nether by AngryWolves in place of pigzombies are flaming hellhounds.
                - 'targeteffect.setfireticks': #So let's make them really firey.
                    - '40'
        Wolf_Tame: #A little randomization but no bonus because wolves are a little OP anyway.
            - '-2'
            - 'roll.4'
    - 'if target.type.Spider': #Punching spiders gets you bitten. Makes up for their occasionally floored hits.
        'if attacker.wielding.AIR':
            - 'attackereffect.Hurt': '1'
    - 'if target.type.Player': #Player defensive tree
        - 'if event.value.lessthanequals.0': #Always take at least half a heart to apply armor damage.
            - 'set.1'
            - 'if attacker.type.player': #Unless it's a player punching us with an item maybe
                - 'set.0'
                - 'if attacker.wielding.AIR': #So we'll check for fists and tools too! Tried an 'or' statement but didn't seem to work...
                    - 'set.1'
                - 'if attacker.wielding._sword':
                    - 'set.1'
                - 'if attacker.wielding._axe':
                    - 'set.1'
                - 'if attacker.wielding.BOW':
                    - 'set.1'
                - 'if attacker.wielding._pickaxe':
                    - 'set.1'
                - 'if attacker.wielding._spade':
                    - 'set.1'
                - 'if attacker.wielding._hoe':
                    - 'set.1'
        - 'if target.wearing.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE': #Leather makes you dodge, tweaked to ignore some environmentals
            - '-1' #All chestplates and leggings give a little bit of 100% damage reduction
            - 'if binom.6 and ! and !attacker.type.lava and !attacker.type.fall and !attacker.type.burn':
                - 'set.0'
                - "!"
                - "message.attacker.Your attack was dodged!"
        - 'if target.wearing.LEATHER_HELMET':
            - 'if binom.2 and ! and !attacker.type.lava and !attacker.type.fall and !attacker.type.burn':
                - 'set.0'
                - "!"
                - "message.attacker.Your attack was dodged!"
        - 'if target.wearing.LEATHER_LEGGINGS':
            - '-1'
            - 'if binom.3 and ! and !attacker.type.lava and !attacker.type.fall and !attacker.type.burn':
                - 'set.0'
                - "!"
                - "message.attacker.Your attack was dodged!"
        - 'if target.wearing.LEATHER_BOOTS':
            - 'if binom.2 and ! and !attacker.type.lava and !attacker.type.fall and !attacker.type.burn':
                - 'set.0'
                - "!"
                - "message.attacker.Your attack was dodged!"
        - 'if target.wearingonly.LEATHER_HELMET*LEATHER_CHESTPLATE*LEATHER_LEGGINGS*LEATHER_BOOTS': #Set bonus totals out to ~30% dodge rate
            - 'if binom.20 and ! and !attacker.type.lava and !attacker.type.fall and !attacker.type.burn':
                - 'set.0'
                - "!"
                - "message.attacker.Your attack was dodged!"
        - 'if target.wearing.IRON_CHESTPLATE': #Iron gives straight damage reduction chance
            - '-1'
            - 'if binom.25':
                - '-3'
        - 'if target.wearing.IRON_HELMET':
            - 'if binom.10':
                - '-1'
        - 'if target.wearing.IRON_LEGGINGS':
            - '-1'
            - 'if binom.15':
                - '-2'
        - 'if target.wearing.IRON_BOOTS':
            - 'if binom.10':
                - '-1'
        - 'if target.wearingonly.IRON_HELMET*IRON_CHESTPLATE*IRON_LEGGINGS*IRON_BOOTS':  #Set bonus is ~60% total chance to reduce an average of ~4 hearts of damage
            - 'if binom.20':
                - '-2'
        - 'if target.wearing.GOLD_CHESTPLATE': #Gold set is like gold weapons, sets attackers ON FIRE!
            - '-1'
            - 'if binom.30':
                - 'attackereffect.addfireticks':
                    - '60'
        - 'if target.wearing.GOLD_HELMET':
            - 'if binom.10':
                - 'attackereffect.addfireticks':
                    - '20'
        - 'if target.wearing.GOLD_LEGGINGS':
            - '-1'
            - 'if binom.20':
                - 'attackereffect.addfireticks':
                    - '40'
        - 'if target.wearing.GOLD_BOOTS':
            - 'if binom.10':
                - 'attackereffect.addfireticks':
                    - '20'
        - 'if target.wearingonly.GOLD_HELMET*GOLD_CHESTPLATE*GOLD_LEGGINGS*GOLD_BOOTS': #Even more fire duration, with a chance of a little extra 'kick'!
            - 'attackereffect.addfireticks':
                - '80'
            - 'if binom.10':
                - 'attackereffect.explode': '1'
        - 'if target.wearing.DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE': #Diamond reflects damage back at the attacker.
            - '-2'
            - 'if binom.30':
                - 'attackereffect.Hurt': '3'
        - 'if target.wearing.DIAMOND_HELMET':
            - 'if binom.10':
                - 'attackereffect.Hurt': '1'
        - 'if target.wearing.DIAMOND_LEGGINGS':
            - '-1'
            - 'if binom.20':
                - 'attackereffect.Hurt': '2'
        - 'if target.wearing.DIAMOND_BOOTS':
            - 'if binom.10':
                - 'attackereffect.Hurt': '1'
        - 'if target.wearingonly.DIAMOND_HELMET*DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE*DIAMOND_LEGGINGS*DIAMOND_BOOTS': #Guaranteed damage to attacker with full set, and should average 3.5 hearts reflected.
            - 'attackereffect.Hurt': '2'
        - 'if target.light.lessthanequals.5': #Players take extra damage in the darkness!
            - 'roll.4'
    # mob:
    # armor:
    # ranged:
    # humans:
    # melee:
    # animal:
    # Creeper:
    # Spider:
    # Giant:
    # Slime:
    # Ghast:
    # snowball:
    # bow:
    # egg:
    # fireball:
    # other:
    # pickaxe:
    # AIR:
    # spade:
    # hoe:
    # axe:
    # sword:
# animal:
    # Chicken:
    # Sheep:
    # Pig:
    # Squid:
    # Wolf:
    # Cow:
debugging: normal
    - '': #A little extra health for animals too because of lethality running rampant. Underground spawns get bonus health.
            - 'if !target.exposedtosky and target.Y.lessthanequals.64':
                - 'roll.4'
            - '2'
            - '6'
        # Giant:
            - '2'
            - 'range.44.50'
            - 'range.14.16'
            - 'if !target.exposedtosky and target.Y.lessthanequals.64':
                - 'roll.8'
        # Squid:
            - 'range.16.18'
            - 'if !target.exposedtosky and target.Y.lessthanequals.64': #Never a natural spawn underground, only AngryWolves spawns which are hostile, so let's make this consistent!
                - '4'
                - 'roll.2'
            - 'if target.exposedtosky and event.time.lessthan.14000': #Outside spawns at night, particulary on the 'full moons' that AngryWolves does.
                - '2' #No point on other mobs, because most mobs spawn at night anyway.
            - 'range.36.40'
            - 'if !target.exposedtosky and target.Y.lessthanequals.64':
                - 'roll.12'
        Cow: #Bovines are tough mofos!
            - '8'
        Ghast: #Because I hate them SO MUCH... and arrows kinda suck now.
            - '-4'
            - 'range.12.18'
            - 'if !target.exposedtosky and target.Y.lessthanequals.64':
                - 'roll.6'
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