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FAQ: How do I report ModDamage bugs feature requests?

Erich Gubler edited this page Dec 24, 2011 · 2 revisions

Formatting your bugs for ModDamage is easy. It is for this reason that you should read carefully, for your own benefit - it'll help speed along the actual resolution of the problem.

You can also make suggestions for new features. Be they new routines, rehashes of the old, or something even more crazy, ModDamage's development is always open to creative feedback! If you've got something routine-related in mind for MD, please use the following format for your bugs (and be careful - Koryu's the one to has to make edits if you screw up):

Syntax: poke.$DescriptionOfPoke.#PokeQuantity

Description: This routine pokes Koryu the specified number of times, in the described manner. Possible pokes are:

  • Soft - use this is if Koryu's being silly.

  • Hard - use this if Koryu's not devving stuff fast enough.

  • SuperHard - use sparingly.


    - 'if':
        - 'target.poke.superhard.9001'

To do this, you must use Github-Flavored Markdown - an introduction to writing this can be found here. Here's the template used for above, but in raw form:

**Syntax:** *poke.$DescriptionOfPoke.#PokeQuantity*

**Description:** This routine pokes Koryu the specified number of times, in the described manner. Possible pokes are:

* Soft - use this is if Koryu's being silly.

* Hard - use this if Koryu's not devving stuff fast enough.

* SuperHard - use sparingly.


    - 'if':
        - 'target.poke.superhard.9001'

Please be concise when describing features, and when suggesting potential routines PLEASE make sure that your suggestions are supported by YAML by pasting your example code into an online YAML parser like this one.

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