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v0.2.54..v0.2.55 changeset OsmUtils.h

Garret Voltz edited this page Aug 14, 2020 · 1 revision
diff --git a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/elements/OsmUtils.h b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/elements/OsmUtils.h
index e306e24..a71e68c 100644
--- a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/elements/OsmUtils.h
+++ b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/elements/OsmUtils.h
@@ -30,232 +30,22 @@
 // Hoot
 #include <hoot/core/elements/OsmMap.h>
-#include <hoot/core/criterion/ElementCriterion.h>
-#include <hoot/core/visitors/FilteredVisitor.h>
-#include <hoot/core/visitors/ElementCountVisitor.h>
-#include <hoot/core/elements/ConstElementVisitor.h>
-#include <hoot/core/util/GeometricRelationship.h>
-// GEOS
-#include <geos/geom/Geometry.h>
-#include <geos/geom/Coordinate.h>
-// Qt
-#include <QString>
 namespace hoot
-class Node;
-class Status;
-  Utilities for use with the OSM data model
-  */
+ * General, non-specific utilities for use with the OSM data.
+ *
+ * Put any Element related utilities here that either don't fit into any of the existing OSM related
+ * utils classes, would clutter up any of the core Element classes, or are isolated enough not to
+ * warrant making a new utils class for them yet.
+ */
 class OsmUtils
-    Prints a collection of nodes for debugging purposes (couldn't find a way to do this with the
-    debug logger).
-    @param nodeCollectionName
-    @param nodes
-    */
-  static void printNodes(const QString& nodeCollectionName,
-                         const QList<std::shared_ptr<const Node>>& nodes);
-  /**
-    Retrieves a collection of node IDs for a collection of nodes
-    @param nodes a collection of nodes
-    @return a collection of node IDs
-    */
-  static QList<long> nodesToNodeIds(const QList<std::shared_ptr<const Node>>& nodes);
-  /**
-   * Retrieves a collection of node IDs for a collection of nodes
-   *
-   * @param nodes a collection of nodes
-   * @return a collection of node IDs
-   */
-  static std::vector<long> nodesToNodeIds(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Node>>& nodes);
-  /**
-   * Retrieves a collection of element IDs for a collection of elements
-   *
-   * @param elements a collection of elements
-   * @return a collection of element IDs
-   * @todo may be able to replace nodesToNodeIds with this more generic version
-   */
-  static QSet<ElementId> elementsToElementIds(const std::vector<ElementPtr>& elements);
-  /**
-    Retrieves a collection of nodes given a collection of node IDs
-    @param nodeIds a collection of node IDs
-    @param map the map owning the nodes with the given IDs
-    @return a collection of nodes
-    */
-  static QList<std::shared_ptr<const Node>> nodeIdsToNodes(
-    const QList<long>& nodeIds, const std::shared_ptr<const OsmMap>& map);
-  /**
-   * Retrieves a collection of nodes given a collection of node IDs
-   *
-   * @param nodeIds a collection of node IDs
-   * @param map the map owning the nodes with the given IDs
-   * @return a collection of nodes
-   */
-  static std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Node>> nodeIdsToNodes(
-    const std::vector<long>& nodeIds, const std::shared_ptr<const OsmMap>& map);
-  /**
-   * Determines if the coordinates from two collection of nodes match, given a configurable
-   * tolerance
-   *
-   * @param nodes1 the first collection of nodes to compare
-   * @param nodes2 the second collection of nodes to compare
-   * @return true if the coordinates match; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool nodeCoordsMatch(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Node>> nodes1,
-                              std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Node>> nodes2);
-  /**
-   * Determines if the way node coordinates from two ways match, given a configurable
-   * tolerance
-   *
-   * @param way1 the first way with nodes to compare
-   * @param way2 the second way with nodes to compare
-   * @param map the map owning the ways
-   * @return true if the way node coordinates match; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool nodeCoordsMatch(const ConstWayPtr& way1, const ConstWayPtr& way2,
-                              const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Returns a printable string for a collection of nodes
-   *
-   * @param nodes the nodes for which to create a string
-   * @return a string
-   */
-  static QString nodeCoordsToString(const std::vector<ConstNodePtr>& nodes);
-  /**
-    Converts a OSM node to a coordinate
-    @param node the node to convert
-    @returns a coordinate
-    */
-  static geos::geom::Coordinate nodeToCoord(const std::shared_ptr<const Node>& node);
-  /**
-    Converts OSM nodes to a coordinates
-    @param nodes the nodes to convert
-    @returns coordinates
-    */
-  static QList<geos::geom::Coordinate> nodesToCoords(
-    const QList<std::shared_ptr<const Node>>& nodes);
-  /**
-    Converts a coordinate to an OSM node
-    @param coord the coordinate to convert
-    @param map the map owning the node to be created
-    @returns a node
-    */
-  static std::shared_ptr<const Node> coordToNode(const geos::geom::Coordinate& coord,
-                                                 const std::shared_ptr<const OsmMap>& map);
-  /**
-    Converts coordinates to OSM nodes
-    @param coords the coordinates to convert
-    @param map the map owning the nodes to be created
-    @returns nodes
-    */
-  static QList<std::shared_ptr<const Node>> coordsToNodes(
-    const QList<geos::geom::Coordinate>& coords, const std::shared_ptr<const OsmMap>& map);
-  /**
-    Converts a 64-bit unsigned int timestamp (seconds from epoch) to a QString (utc zulu)
-    @param timestamp quint64 time encoding in seconds from the epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)
-    */
-  static QString toTimeString(quint64 timestamp);
-  /**
-    Converts a utc zulu timestamp to time since the epoch in seconds.
-    @param timestamp in utc zulu string to be convered to seconds from the epoch
-           (1970-01-01 00:00:00)
-    */
-  static quint64 fromTimeString(QString timestamp);
-  /**
-   * Returns a time string for the current time
-   *
-   * @return
-   */
-  static QString currentTimeAsString();
-  /**
-   * Determines whether a map contains a minimum or a fixed amount of elements matching the
-   * criterion type
-   * Only objects of type ElementCriterion are allowed, all others will return false
-   *
-   * @param map the map to examine
-   * @param minCount the minmal count of elements required (if exactCount == false)
-   * @param exactCount if true, the count must be exactly minCount
-   * @return true if the map meets the specified criteria; false otherwise
-   */
-  template<class C> static bool contains(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map, int minCount = 1,
-                                         bool exactCount = false)
-  {
-    if (!std::is_base_of<ElementCriterion,C>::value) return false;
-    const long count =
-      (long)FilteredVisitor::getStat(
-        ElementCriterionPtr(new C()),
-        ConstElementVisitorPtr(new ElementCountVisitor()),
-        map);
-    LOG_VART(count);
-    return exactCount ? (count == minCount) : (count >= minCount);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Determines whether a collection of elements meet a criterion a minimum or a fixed amount of
-   * times
-   * Only objects of type ElementCriterion are allowed, all others will return false
-   *
-   * @param element the element to examine
-   * @param minCount the minmal count of elements required (if exactCount == false)
-   * @param exactCount if true, the count must be exactly minCount
-   * @return true if the elements meet the specified criterion the specified number of times
-   */
-  template<class C> static bool isSatisfied(const std::vector<ConstElementPtr>& elements,
-                                            int minCount = 1, bool exactCount = false)
-  {
-    if (!std::is_base_of<ElementCriterion,C>::value) return false;
-    int count = 0;
-    ElementCriterionPtr crit(new C());
-    for (std::vector<ConstElementPtr>::const_iterator itr = elements.begin(); itr != elements.end();
-         ++itr)
-    {
-      if (crit->isSatisfied(*itr))
-      {
-        count++;
-      }
-    }
-    LOG_VART(count);
-    return exactCount ? (count == minCount) : (count >= minCount);
-  }
-  /**
    * Get a more detailed string representation of a relation
    * @param relation relation to get info from
@@ -266,34 +56,6 @@ public:
                                            const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
-   * Get a detailed string representing a relation's members
-   *
-   * @param relation relation to get info from
-   * @param map map owning the relation
-   * @return a detailed relations members string
-   */
-  static QString getRelationMembersDetailedString(const ConstRelationPtr& relation,
-                                                  const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Get a detailed string respresenting a way's nodes
-   *
-   * @param way way to get info from
-   * @param map map owning the way
-   * @return a detailed way nodes string
-   */
-  static QString getWayNodesDetailedString(const ConstWayPtr& way, const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Returns the first way ID from a set of relation members
-   *
-   * @param relation relation to check way ID for
-   * @param map map owning the relation
-   * @return a way ID
-   */
-  static long getFirstWayIdFromRelation(const ConstRelationPtr& relation, const OsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
    * Constructs a detailed string for an element suitable for trace logging
    * @param element the element to create a string for
@@ -313,365 +75,6 @@ public:
                                          const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
-   * Determines if two elements have conflicting one way street tags
-   *
-   * @param element1 the first element to examine
-   * @param element2 the second element to examine
-   * @return true if their one way tags conflict; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool oneWayConflictExists(const ConstElementPtr& element1, const ConstElementPtr& element2);
-  /**
-   * Determines if a way has an explicitly negative one way tag (oneway=no, etc.)
-   *
-   * @param element the element to examine
-   * @return true if the element contains a tag indicating it is not a one way street; false
-   * otherwise
-   */
-  static bool explicitlyNotAOneWayStreet(const ConstElementPtr& element);
-  /**
-   * Determines if two elements have conflicting name tags
-   *
-   * @param element1 the first element to examine
-   * @param element2 the second element to examine
-   * @return true if their name tags conflict; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool nameConflictExists(const ConstElementPtr& element1, const ConstElementPtr& element2);
-  /**
-   * Determines if there are specific highway type conflicts between elements
-   *
-   * @param element1 the first element to examine
-   * @param element2 the second element to examine
-   * @return true if both have specific highway tags (other than highway=road) and they disagree;
-   * false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool nonGenericHighwayConflictExists(const ConstElementPtr& element1,
-                                              const ConstElementPtr& element2);
-  /**
-   * Returns the IDs of all ways containing an input node
-   *
-   * @param nodeId ID of the node to return containing ways for
-   * @param map map which owns the input node
-   * @param wayCriterion an optional ElementCriterion to further filter the containing ways
-   * @return a collection of way IDs
-   */
-  static std::set<long> getContainingWayIdsByNodeId(
-    const long nodeId, const ConstOsmMapPtr& map,
-    const ElementCriterionPtr& wayCriterion = ElementCriterionPtr());
-  /**
-   * Determines the coordinate on a way closest to another node not on the way
-   *
-   * @param node the node to find the closet way coordinate to
-   * @param way the way to find the closest coordinate on
-   * @param distance the distance that will be calculated between the node and the closest
-   * coordinate on the way
-   * @param discretizationSpacing the distance at which the way will be discretized; a smaller
-   * value results in a more accurate distance value, generates more coordinates on the way, and
-   * increase runtime
-   * @param map the map containing the input node and way
-   * @return a coordinate
-   */
-  static geos::geom::Coordinate closestWayCoordToNode(
-    const ConstNodePtr& node, const ConstWayPtr& way, double& distance,
-    const double discretizationSpacing, const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Determines the ID of the closest way node on a way to another node not on the way
-   *
-   * @param node the node to find the closest way node to
-   * @param way the way to find the closest way node on
-   * @param map the map containing the input node and way
-   * @return a way node ID
-   */
-  static long closestWayNodeIdToNode(const ConstNodePtr& node, const ConstWayPtr& way,
-                                     const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Determines whether the start or end of a way is closer to a specified node
-   *
-   * @param node node to check distance from input way
-   * @param way way to check distance from input node
-   * @param map map containing the inputs way and node
-   * @return true if the node is closer to the end of the way; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool endWayNodeIsCloserToNodeThanStart(const ConstNodePtr& node, const ConstWayPtr& way,
-                                                const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Determines if two nodes belong to the same way
-   *
-   * @param nodeId1 the first node to examine
-   * @param nodeId2 the second node to examine
-   * @param map the map containing the nodes
-   * @return true if there is at least one way that contains both nodes; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool nodesAreContainedInTheSameWay(const long nodeId1, const long nodeId2,
-                                            const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Returns a subset of elements from a map filtered by a criterion
-   *
-   * @param map map to copy elements from
-   * @param filter filter to apply to the map
-   * @return a copied subset map
-   */
-  static OsmMapPtr getMapSubset(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map, const ElementCriterionPtr& filter);
-  /**
-   * Determines if a specified node is contained by a way, given a list of way IDs
-   *
-   * @param nodeId the ID of the node to search for
-   * @param wayIds the IDs for the ways to search in
-   * @param map the map containing the nodes/ways
-   * @return true if any way in the ID list contains the node; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool nodeContainedByAnyWay(const long nodeId, const std::set<long> wayIds,
-                                    const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Determines if a node is contained by any way in a map
-   *
-   * @param nodeId the ID of the node to search for
-   * @param map the map containing the nodes/ways
-   * @return true if any way in the map contains the node; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool nodeContainedByAnyWay(const long nodeId, const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Determines if a node is contained by more than one way in a map
-   *
-   * @param nodeId the ID of the node to search for
-   * @param map the map containing the nodes/ways
-   * @return true if more than one way contains the node; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool nodeContainedByMoreThanOneWay(const long nodeId, const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Determines if an element is contained by any relation in a map
-   *
-   * @param elementId the ID of the element to search for
-   * @param map the map containing the element
-   * @return true if any relation in the map contains the element; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool elementContainedByAnyRelation(const ElementId& elementId, const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Determines if an element is contained by any way or relation in a map
-   *
-   * @param elementId the ID of the element to search for
-   * @param map the map containing the element
-   * @return true if any way or relation in the map contains the element; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool isChild(const ElementId& elementId, const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Returns the number of elements with a changeset version less than one
-   *
-   * @param map the map to examine
-   * @return the number of elements meeting the criteria
-   */
-  static int versionLessThanOneCount(const OsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Logs a warning if any element in the map has a changeset version less than one
-   *
-   * @param map the map to examine
-   * @return true if a warning was logged; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool checkVersionLessThanOneCountAndLogWarning(const OsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Returns the element IDs of all elements with a changeset version less than one
-   *
-   * @param map the map to examine
-   * @return a set of element IDs
-   */
-  static std::set<ElementId> getIdsOfElementsWithVersionLessThanOne(const OsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Determines if a map contains only nodes that are not way nodes
-   *
-   * @param map the map to examine
-   * @return true if the map is made up of non-way node points only; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool mapIsPointsOnly(const OsmMapPtr& map);
-  // This group of allElements* methods really should probably be passing const elements and maps.
-  /**
-   * Determines if all elements in a specified collection have any tag key from a specified set of
-   * keys
-   *
-   * @param tagKeys the tag keys to search for
-   * @param elements the elements to examine
-   * @return true if all elements from the input collection of elements contain at least one of the
-   * tag keys specified in tagKeys; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool allElementsHaveAnyTagKey(const QStringList& tagKeys,
-                                       const std::vector<ElementPtr>& elements);
-  /**
-   * Determines if all elements in a specified collection have any tag key/value pair from a
-   * specified set of kvps
-   *
-   * @param kvp the tag key/value pairs to search for
-   * @param elements the elements to examine
-   * @return true if all elements from the input collection of elements contain at least one of the
-   * key/value pairs specified in kvps; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool allElementsHaveAnyKvp(const QStringList& kvps,
-                                    const std::vector<ElementPtr>& elements);
-  /**
-   * Determines if any elements in a specified collection have any tag key from a specified set of
-   * keys
-   *
-   * @param tagKeys the tag keys to search for
-   * @param elements the elements to examine
-   * @return true if any elements from the input collection of elements contain at least one of the
-   * tag keys specified in tagKeys; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool anyElementsHaveAnyTagKey(const QStringList& tagKeys,
-                                       const std::vector<ElementPtr>& elements);
-  /**
-   * Determines if any elements in a specified collection have any tag key/value pair from a
-   * specified set of kvps
-   *
-   * @param kvps the tag key/value pairs to search for
-   * @param elements the elements to examine
-   * @return true if any elements from the input collection of elements contain at least one of the
-   * key/value pairs specified in kvps; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool anyElementsHaveAnyKvp(const QStringList& kvps,
-                                    const std::vector<ElementPtr>& elements);
-  /**
-   * Determines if all elements in a specified collection have any tag key from a specified set of
-   * keys
-   *
-   * @param tagKeys the tag keys to search for
-   * @param elementIds IDs of the elements to examine
-   * @param map the map containing the elements
-   * @return true if all elements from the input collection of elements contain at least one of the
-   * tag keys specified in tagKeys; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool allElementsHaveAnyTagKey(const QStringList& tagKeys,
-                                       const std::set<ElementId>& elementIds, OsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Determines if all elements in a specified collection have any tag key/value pair from a
-   * specified set of kvps
-   *
-   * @param kvp the tag key/value pairs to search for
-   * @param elementIds IDs of the elements to examine
-   * @param map the map containing the elements
-   * @return true if all elements from the input collection of elements contain at least one of the
-   * key/value pairs specified in kvps; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool allElementsHaveAnyKvp(const QStringList& kvps,
-                                    const std::set<ElementId>& elementIds, OsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Determines if any elements in a specified collection have any tag key from a specified set of
-   * keys
-   *
-   * @param tagKeys the tag keys to search for
-   * @param elementIds IDs of the elements to examine
-   * @param map the map containing the elements
-   * @return true if any elements from the input collection of elements contain at least one of the
-   * tag keys specified in tagKeys; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool anyElementsHaveAnyTagKey(const QStringList& tagKeys,
-                                       const std::set<ElementId>& elementIds, OsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Determines if any elements in a specified collection have any tag key/value pair from a
-   * specified set of kvps
-   *
-   * @param kvps the tag key/value pairs to search for
-   * @param elementIds IDs of the elements to examine
-   * @param map the map containing the elements
-   * @return true if any elements from the input collection of elements contain at least one of the
-   * key/value pairs specified in kvps; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool anyElementsHaveAnyKvp(const QStringList& kvps,
-                                    const std::set<ElementId>& elementIds, OsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Determines if all element IDs in a map are positive
-   *
-   * @param map the map to examine
-   * @return true if all elements in the input map have a positive ID; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool allElementIdsPositive(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Determines if all element IDs in a map are negative
-   *
-   * @param map the map to examine
-   * @return true if all elements in the input map have a negative ID; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool allElementIdsNegative(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Determines if all hoot:id element tags in a map match their element IDs
-   *
-   * @param map the map to examine
-   * @return true if all the hoot:id tag values match the owning element's ID; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool allIdTagsMatchIds(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
-  /**
-   * Returns the distance between two elements
-   *
-   * @param element1 the first element to measure distance from
-   * @param element2 the second element to measure distance from
-   * @param map map owning the input elements
-   * @return the distance between the two elements or -1.0 if the distance could not be calculated
-   */
-  static double getDistance(const ConstElementPtr& element1, const ConstElementPtr& element2,
-                            ConstOsmMapPtr map);
-  /**
-   * Calculates the area of an element
-   *
-   * @param element the feature to calculate the area of
-   * @param map map owning the input element
-   * @return the area of the feature or -1.0 if the area could not be calculated
-   */
-  static double getArea(const ConstElementPtr& element, ConstOsmMapPtr map);
-  /**
-   * Determines two elements have a geometric relationship
-   *
-   * @param element1 the first element to examine
-   * @param element2 the second element to examine
-   * @param relationship the geometric relationship to check for between the two elements
-   * @param map map owning the input elements
-   * @return true if the two elements have the specified geometric relationship; false otherwise or
-   * if the relationship could not be calculated
-   * @todo should eventually back this with a cache, as is done in PoiPolygonInfoCache
-   */
-  static bool haveGeometricRelationship(
-    const ConstElementPtr& element1, const ConstElementPtr& element2,
-    const GeometricRelationship& relationship, ConstOsmMapPtr map);
-  /**
-   * Determines if an element has a given criterion; backed by a cache
-   *
-   * @param element the element to examine
-   * @param criterionClassName class name of the ElementCriterion to determine membership of
-   * @return true if the element has the criterion; false otherwise
-   * @throws if the criterion class name is invalid
-   */
-  static bool hasCriterion(const ConstElementPtr& element, const QString& criterionClassName);
-  /**
    * Determines if one element a child of another; e.g. way node or relation memeber
    * @param parent the parent element
@@ -681,61 +84,13 @@ public:
   static bool containsMember(const ConstElementPtr& parent, const ElementId& memberId);
-   * Determines if an element is a member of a relation
-   *
-   * @param map map owning the input element
-   * @param childId element ID of the input element
-   * @return true if the element is a member of a relation
-   */
-  static bool isMemberOfRelation(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map, const ElementId& childId);
-  /**
-   * Determines if an element is a member of a relation of a given type
-   *
-   * @param map map owning the input element
-   * @param childId element ID of the input element
-   * @param relationType type of relation to search for; if left blank, relation types are not
-   * checked
-   * @return true if the element is a member of a relation of the specified type OR if the element
-   * is simply a member of a relation and the type is not specified; false otherwise
-   */
-  static bool isMemberOfRelationType(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map, const ElementId& childId,
-                                     const QString& relationType = "");
-  /**
-   * Determines if an element is a member of a relation that is in a given schema category
-   *
-   * @param map map owning the input element
-   * @param childId element ID of the input element
-   * @param schemaCategory schema category to search for relation membership in; if left blank,
-   * category membership for the relations is not checked
-   * @return true if the element is a member of a relation that is in the specified schema category
-   * OR if the element is simply a member of a relation and the category is not specified; false
-   * otherwise
-   */
-  static bool isMemberOfRelationInCategory(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map, const ElementId& childId,
-                                           const QString& schemaCategory = "");
-  /**
-   * Determines if an element is a member of a relation that has a given tag key
+   * Determines if an element is contained by any way or relation in a map
-   * @param map map owning the input element
-   * @param childId element ID of the input element
-   * @param tagKey tag key to search relations for; if left blank, tag keys on the relations are not
-   * checked
-   * @return true if the element is a member of a relation with the specified tag key OR if the
-   * element is simply a member of a relation and a tag key is not specified
+   * @param elementId the ID of the element to search for
+   * @param map the map containing the element
+   * @return true if any way or relation in the map contains the element; false otherwise
-  static bool isMemberOfRelationWithTagKey(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map, const ElementId& childId,
-                                           const QString& tagKey = "");
-  static int _badGeomCount;
-  static std::shared_ptr<geos::geom::Geometry> _getGeometry(
-    const ConstElementPtr& element, ConstOsmMapPtr map);
-  static ElementCriterionPtr _getCrit(const QString& criterionClassName);
+  static bool isChild(const ElementId& elementId, const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
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