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v0.2.47..v0.2.48 changeset ChangesetCreator.cpp

Garret Voltz edited this page Sep 27, 2019 · 1 revision
diff --git a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/algorithms/changeset/ChangesetCreator.cpp b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/algorithms/changeset/ChangesetCreator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aecc0d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/algorithms/changeset/ChangesetCreator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+ * This file is part of Hootenanny.
+ *
+ * Hootenanny is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * The following copyright notices are generated automatically. If you
+ * have a new notice to add, please use the format:
+ * " * @copyright Copyright ..."
+ * This will properly maintain the copyright information. DigitalGlobe
+ * copyrights will be updated automatically.
+ *
+ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2019 DigitalGlobe (
+ */
+#include "ChangesetCreator.h"
+// Hoot
+#include <hoot/core/criterion/NotCriterion.h>
+#include <hoot/core/criterion/TagKeyCriterion.h>
+#include <hoot/core/elements/ExternalMergeElementSorter.h>
+#include <hoot/core/elements/InMemoryElementSorter.h>
+#include <hoot/core/io/ElementCriterionVisitorInputStream.h>
+#include <hoot/core/io/ElementStreamer.h>
+#include <hoot/core/io/OsmApiDbSqlChangesetFileWriter.h>
+#include <hoot/core/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.h>
+#include <hoot/core/io/OsmMapWriterFactory.h>
+#include <hoot/core/io/OsmPbfReader.h>
+#include <hoot/core/io/OsmXmlChangesetFileWriter.h>
+#include <hoot/core/io/PartialOsmMapReader.h>
+#include <hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.h>
+#include <hoot/core/util/ConfigOptions.h>
+#include <hoot/core/util/Factory.h>
+#include <hoot/core/util/GeometryUtils.h>
+#include <hoot/core/util/IoUtils.h>
+#include <hoot/core/util/MapProjector.h>
+#include <hoot/core/util/Progress.h>
+#include <hoot/core/visitors/ApiTagTruncateVisitor.h>
+#include <hoot/core/visitors/RemoveElementsVisitor.h>
+#include <hoot/core/visitors/RemoveUnknownVisitor.h>
+#include <hoot/core/util/ConfigUtils.h>
+#include <geos/geom/Envelope.h>
+namespace hoot
+const QString ChangesetCreator::JOB_SOURCE = "Derive Changeset";
+ChangesetCreator::ChangesetCreator(const bool printStats, const QString osmApiDbUrl) :
+void ChangesetCreator::create(const QString& output, const QString& input1, const QString& input2)
+  if (!_isSupportedOutputFormat(output))
+  {
+    throw HootException("Unsupported changeset output format: " + output);
+  }
+  else if (output.endsWith(".osc.sql") && _osmApiDbUrl.isEmpty())
+  {
+    throw IllegalArgumentException(
+      "Output to SQL changeset requires an OSM API database URL be specified.");
+  }
+    "Creating changeset from inputs: " << input1 << " and " << input2 << " to output: " <<
+    output << "...");
+  _singleInput = input2.trimmed().isEmpty();
+  LOG_VARD(_singleInput);
+  // both inputs must support streaming to use streaming I/O
+  const bool useStreamingIo =
+    _inputIsStreamable(input1) && (_singleInput || _inputIsStreamable(input2));
+  LOG_VARD(useStreamingIo);
+  // The number of steps here must be updated as you add/remove job steps in the logic.
+  _numTotalTasks = 2;
+  // for non-streamable convert ops and other inline ops that occur when not streaming
+  if (!useStreamingIo)
+  {
+    // For non-streaming I/O we can divide each data conversion task into a separate step, hence
+    // the larger number of steps. With streaming I/O that isn't possible since all the data
+    // conversion operations are executed inline at the same time the data is read in.
+    _numTotalTasks += 3;
+    if (ConfigOptions().getConvertOps().size() > 0)
+    {
+      // Convert ops get a single task, which NamedOp will break down into sub-tasks during
+      // progress reporting.
+      _numTotalTasks++;
+      if (!ElementStreamer::areValidStreamingOps(ConfigOptions().getConvertOps()))
+      {
+        // Have the extra work of combining and separating data inputs when any of the convert
+        // ops aren't streamable.
+        _numTotalTasks++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  _currentTaskNum = 1;
+  Progress progress(ConfigOptions().getJobId(), JOB_SOURCE, Progress::JobState::Running);
+  const int maxFilePrintLength = ConfigOptions().getProgressVarPrintLengthMax();
+  progress.set(
+    0.0,
+    "Deriving output changeset: ..." + output.right(maxFilePrintLength) + " from inputs: ..." +
+    input1.right(maxFilePrintLength) + " and ..." + input2.right(maxFilePrintLength) + "...");
+  //sortedElements1 is the former state of the data
+  ElementInputStreamPtr sortedElements1;
+  //sortedElements2 is the newer state of the data
+  ElementInputStreamPtr sortedElements2;
+  // If we have two inputs, we'll determine the difference between them as the changeset.
+  // Otherwise, we're passing all the input data through to the output changeset, so put it in
+  // the sortedElements2 newer data and leave the first one empty. The result will be a changeset
+  // made up completely of what is in the single input.
+  if (!useStreamingIo)
+  {
+    // In the case that not all input formats or convert ops are streamable or the
+    // user chose to force in memory streaming by not specifying a sort buffer size, let's
+    // use memory bound sorting.
+    // read both inputs completely
+    OsmMapPtr map1(new OsmMap());
+    OsmMapPtr map2(new OsmMap());
+    _readInputsFully(input1, input2, map1, map2, progress);
+    // TODO: There need to be checks here to only sort if the input isn't already sorted like
+    // there are for the external sorting (e.g. pre-sorted PBF file).
+    progress.set(
+      (float)(_currentTaskNum - 1) / (float)_numTotalTasks,
+      "Sorting input elements; task #" + QString::number(_currentTaskNum) + "...");
+    if (!_singleInput)
+    {
+      sortedElements1 = _sortElementsInMemory(map1);
+      assert(map2.get());
+      sortedElements2 = _sortElementsInMemory(map2);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      sortedElements1 = _getEmptyInputStream();
+      sortedElements2 = _sortElementsInMemory(map1);
+    }
+    _currentTaskNum++;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    // If external sorting is enabled and the input and convert ops are streamable, externally
+    // sort the elements to avoid potential memory issues.
+    if (!_singleInput)
+    {
+      sortedElements1 = _getExternallySortedElements(input1, progress);
+      sortedElements2 = _getExternallySortedElements(input2, progress);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      sortedElements1 = _getEmptyInputStream();
+      sortedElements2 = _getExternallySortedElements(input1, progress);
+    }
+    _currentTaskNum++;
+  }
+  // write out the changeset file
+  assert(sortedElements1.get() && sortedElements2.get());
+  progress.set((float)(_currentTaskNum - 1) / (float)_numTotalTasks, "Writing changeset...");
+  _streamChangesetOutput(sortedElements1, sortedElements2, output);
+  _currentTaskNum++;
+  progress.set(
+    1.0, Progress::JobState::Successful,
+    "Changeset written to: ..." + output.right(maxFilePrintLength));
+void ChangesetCreator::create(OsmMapPtr& map1, OsmMapPtr& map2, const QString& output)
+    "Creating changeset from inputs: " << map1->getName() << " and " << map2->getName() <<
+    " to output: " << output << "...");
+  OsmMapWriterFactory::writeDebugMap(map1, "map1-before-changeset-derivation");
+  OsmMapWriterFactory::writeDebugMap(map2, "map2-before-changeset-derivation");
+  // don't want to include review relations - may need to remove this depending on what happens
+  // with #3361
+  std::shared_ptr<TagKeyCriterion> elementCriterion(
+    new TagKeyCriterion(MetadataTags::HootReviewNeeds()));
+  RemoveElementsVisitor removeElementsVisitor;
+  removeElementsVisitor.setRecursive(false);
+  removeElementsVisitor.addCriterion(elementCriterion);
+  map1->visitRw(removeElementsVisitor);
+  map2->visitRw(removeElementsVisitor);
+  // Truncate tags over 255 characters to push into OSM API.
+  ApiTagTruncateVisitor truncateTags;
+  map1->visitRw(truncateTags);
+  map2->visitRw(truncateTags);
+  LOG_VARD(MapProjector::toWkt(map1->getProjection()));
+  LOG_VARD(MapProjector::toWkt(map2->getProjection()));
+  //sortedElements1 is the former state of the data
+  ElementInputStreamPtr sortedElements1;
+  //sortedElements2 is the newer state of the data
+  ElementInputStreamPtr sortedElements2;
+  // no need to implement application of ops for this logic path
+  if (map2)
+  {
+    sortedElements1 = _sortElementsInMemory(map1);
+    sortedElements2 = _sortElementsInMemory(map2);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    sortedElements1 = _getEmptyInputStream();
+    sortedElements2 = _sortElementsInMemory(map1);
+  }
+  // write out the changeset file
+  assert(sortedElements1.get() && sortedElements2.get());;
+  _streamChangesetOutput(sortedElements1, sortedElements2, output);
+bool ChangesetCreator::_isSupportedOutputFormat(const QString& format) const
+  return format.endsWith(".osc") || format.endsWith(".osc.sql");
+bool ChangesetCreator::_inputIsSorted(const QString& input) const
+  // ops could change the ordering
+  if (ConfigOptions().getConvertOps().size() > 0)
+  {
+    return false;
+  }
+  //Streaming db inputs actually do not come back sorted, despite the order by id clause
+  //in the query (see ApiDb::selectElements). Otherwise, we'd skip sorting them too.
+  //pbf sets a sort flag
+  if (OsmPbfReader().isSupported(input) && OsmPbfReader().isSorted(input))
+  {
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+bool ChangesetCreator::_inputIsStreamable(const QString& input) const
+  LOG_VARD(OsmMapReaderFactory::hasElementInputStream(input));
+  LOG_VARD(ElementStreamer::areValidStreamingOps(ConfigOptions().getConvertOps()));
+  LOG_VARD(ConfigOptions().getElementSorterElementBufferSize());
+  return
+    // The input format itself must be streamable (partially read).
+    OsmMapReaderFactory::hasElementInputStream(input) &&
+    // All ops must be streamable, otherwise we'll load both inputs into memory.
+    ElementStreamer::areValidStreamingOps(ConfigOptions().getConvertOps()) &&
+    // If no sort buffer size is set, we sort in-memory. If we're already loading the data
+    // into memory for sorting, might as well force it into memory for the initial read as well.
+    ConfigOptions().getElementSorterElementBufferSize() != -1;
+void ChangesetCreator::_handleUnstreamableConvertOpsInMemory(const QString& input1,
+                                                             const QString& input2,
+                                                             OsmMapPtr& map1, OsmMapPtr& map2,
+                                                             Progress progress)
+  LOG_DEBUG("Handling unstreamable convert ops in memory...");
+  progress.set(
+    (float)(_currentTaskNum - 1) / (float)_numTotalTasks, "Reading entire input ...");
+  OsmMapPtr fullMap(new OsmMap());
+  if (!_singleInput)
+  {
+    // We must preserve the original element IDs while loading in order for changeset derivation
+    // to work.
+    // Load the first map. If we have a bounded query, let's check for the crop related option
+    // overrides.
+    IoUtils::loadMap(fullMap, input1, true, Status::Unknown1);
+    OsmMapWriterFactory::writeDebugMap(fullMap, "after-initial-read-unstreamable-ref-map");
+    // append the second map onto the first one
+    OsmMapPtr tmpMap(new OsmMap());
+    IoUtils::loadMap(tmpMap, input2, true, Status::Unknown2);
+    OsmMapWriterFactory::writeDebugMap(tmpMap, "after-initial-read-unstreamable-sec-map");
+    try
+    {
+      fullMap->append(tmpMap);
+    }
+    catch (const HootException& e)
+    {
+      // If there were any element IDs in common between the two input files, we'll get this error.
+      // In that case we must fail.
+      if (e.getWhat().contains("already contains"))
+      {
+        throw HootException(
+          QString("It is not possible to run a non-streamable map operation ") +
+          QString("(OsmMapOperation) on two data sources with overlapping element IDs: ") +
+          e.what());
+      }
+      throw e;
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    // Just load the first map, but as unknown2 to end up with a changeset made up of just this
+    // input.
+    IoUtils::loadMap(fullMap, input1, true, Status::Unknown2);
+  }
+  LOG_VARD(fullMap->getElementCount());
+  OsmMapWriterFactory::writeDebugMap(fullMap, "after-initial-read-unstreamable-full-map");
+  _currentTaskNum++;
+  // Apply our convert ops to the entire map. If any of these are map consumers (OsmMapOperation)
+  // then they some will exhibit undefined behavior if you try to exec them on the inputs
+  // separately.
+  LOG_DEBUG("Applying convert ops...");
+  NamedOp convertOps(ConfigOptions().getConvertOps());
+  convertOps.setProgress(
+    Progress(
+      ConfigOptions().getJobId(), JOB_SOURCE, Progress::JobState::Running,
+      (float)(_currentTaskNum - 1) / (float)_numTotalTasks, 1.0 / (float)_numTotalTasks));
+  convertOps.apply(fullMap);
+  // get back into wgs84 in case some op changed the proj
+  MapProjector::projectToWgs84(fullMap);
+  _currentTaskNum++;
+  // We need the two inputs separated for changeset derivation, so split them back out by status.
+  LOG_DEBUG("Separating maps by status...");
+  progress.set(
+    (float)(_currentTaskNum - 1) / (float)_numTotalTasks, "Separating out input maps...");
+  RemoveUnknown1Visitor remove1Vis;
+  RemoveUnknown2Visitor remove2Vis;
+  map1.reset(new OsmMap(fullMap));
+  if (!_singleInput)
+  {
+    map1->visitRw(remove2Vis);
+    map2.reset(new OsmMap(fullMap));
+    map2->visitRw(remove1Vis);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    map1->visitRw(remove1Vis);
+  }
+  LOG_VARD(map1->getElementCount());
+  OsmMapWriterFactory::writeDebugMap(map1, "unstreamable-separated-map-1");
+  LOG_VARD(map2->getElementCount());
+  OsmMapWriterFactory::writeDebugMap(map2, "unstreamable-separated-map-2");
+  _currentTaskNum++;
+void ChangesetCreator::_handleStreamableConvertOpsInMemory(const QString& input1,
+                                                           const QString& input2, OsmMapPtr& map1,
+                                                           OsmMapPtr& map2, Progress progress)
+  LOG_DEBUG("Handling streamable convert ops in memory...");
+  // Preserving source IDs is important here.
+  // There's no need to check for the crop related config opts here, as we do in
+  // _handleUnstreamableConvertOpsInMemory, as a bounded query will always prevent us from
+  // streaming.
+  progress.set(
+    (float)(_currentTaskNum - 1) / (float)_numTotalTasks, "Reading entire input ...");
+  if (!_singleInput)
+  {
+    // Load each input into a separate map. There's no need to combine them, since we have all
+    // streamable convert ops (avoids the extra cost of splitting them back apart).
+    IoUtils::loadMap(map1, input1, true, Status::Unknown1);
+    IoUtils::loadMap(map2, input2, true, Status::Unknown2);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    // Just load the first map, but as unknown2 to end up with a changeset made up of just this
+    // input.
+    IoUtils::loadMap(map1, input1, true, Status::Unknown2);
+  }
+  OsmMapWriterFactory::writeDebugMap(map1, "after-initial-read-streamable-map-1");
+  OsmMapWriterFactory::writeDebugMap(map2, "after-initial-read-streamable-map-2");
+  _currentTaskNum++;
+  // Apply our convert ops to each map separately.
+  LOG_DEBUG("Applying convert ops...");
+  NamedOp convertOps(ConfigOptions().getConvertOps());
+  convertOps.setProgress(
+    Progress(
+      ConfigOptions().getJobId(), JOB_SOURCE, Progress::JobState::Running,
+      (float)(_currentTaskNum - 1) / (float)_numTotalTasks, 1.0 / (float)_numTotalTasks));
+  convertOps.apply(map1);
+  MapProjector::projectToWgs84(map1);
+  if (!_singleInput)
+  {
+    convertOps.apply(map2);
+    MapProjector::projectToWgs84(map2);
+  }
+  _currentTaskNum++;
+void ChangesetCreator::_readInputsFully(const QString& input1, const QString& input2,
+                                        OsmMapPtr& map1, OsmMapPtr& map2, Progress progress)
+  LOG_VARD(ConfigOptions().getConvertOps().size());
+  if (ConfigOptions().getConvertOps().size() > 0)
+  {
+    if (!ElementStreamer::areValidStreamingOps(ConfigOptions().getConvertOps()))
+    {
+      /*
+       * If any op in the convert ops is a map consumer, then it must go through this logic, which
+       * requires combining both map inputs into one. If there are any overlapping element IDs
+       * between the two datasets, an error will occur.
+       *
+       * It is possible there could be situations where we may be ok with applying a non-streamable
+       * op separately to each map, in which case we overlapping element IDs wouldn't be an issue.
+       * If that situation arises, we will need to refactor here.
+       */
+      _handleUnstreamableConvertOpsInMemory(input1, input2, map1, map2, progress);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      /*
+       * If none of the ops are map consumers, we can avoid having to load both inputs into the same
+       * map, which gets around the ID overlap problem.
+       */
+      _handleStreamableConvertOpsInMemory(input1, input2, map1, map2, progress);
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    LOG_DEBUG("Processing inputs without convert ops...");
+    // We didn't have any convert ops, so just load everything up.
+    progress.set(
+      (float)(_currentTaskNum - 1) / (float)_numTotalTasks, "Reading entire input...");
+    // Preserving source IDs is important here.
+    if (!_singleInput)
+    {
+      // Load each input into a separate map; see related comments in
+      // _handleUnstreamableConvertOpsInMemory
+      IoUtils::loadMap(map1, input1, true, Status::Unknown1);
+      IoUtils::loadMap(map2, input2, true, Status::Unknown2);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // Just load the first map, but as unknown2 to end up with a changeset made up of just this
+      // input.
+      IoUtils::loadMap(map1, input1, true, Status::Unknown2);
+    }
+    OsmMapWriterFactory::writeDebugMap(map1, "after-initial-read-no-ops-map-1");
+    OsmMapWriterFactory::writeDebugMap(map2, "after-initial-read-no-ops-map-2");
+    _currentTaskNum++;
+  }
+  // We don't want to include review relations.
+  progress.set(
+    (float)(_currentTaskNum - 1) / (float)_numTotalTasks, "Removing review relations...");
+  std::shared_ptr<TagKeyCriterion> elementCriterion(
+    new TagKeyCriterion(MetadataTags::HootReviewNeeds()));
+  RemoveElementsVisitor removeElementsVisitor;
+  removeElementsVisitor.setRecursive(false);
+  removeElementsVisitor.addCriterion(elementCriterion);
+  map1->visitRw(removeElementsVisitor);
+  if (!_singleInput)
+  {
+    map2->visitRw(removeElementsVisitor);
+  }
+  OsmMapWriterFactory::writeDebugMap(map1, "after-remove-reviews-map-1");
+  OsmMapWriterFactory::writeDebugMap(map2, "after-remove-reviews-map-2");
+  _currentTaskNum++;
+  // Truncate tags over 255 characters to push into OSM API.
+  progress.set(
+    (float)(_currentTaskNum - 1) / (float)_numTotalTasks, "Preparing tags for changeset...");
+  ApiTagTruncateVisitor truncateTags;
+  map1->visitRw(truncateTags);
+  if (!_singleInput)
+  {
+    map2->visitRw(truncateTags);
+  }
+  OsmMapWriterFactory::writeDebugMap(map1, "after-truncate-tags-map-1");
+  OsmMapWriterFactory::writeDebugMap(map2, "after-truncate-tags-map-2");
+  _currentTaskNum++;
+ElementInputStreamPtr ChangesetCreator::_getExternallySortedElements(const QString& input,
+                                                                     Progress progress)
+  progress.set(
+    (float)(_currentTaskNum - 1) / (float)_numTotalTasks,
+    "Sorting input elements ..." + input.right(25) + "...");
+  ElementInputStreamPtr sortedElements;
+  //Some in these datasets may have status=3 if you're loading conflated data, so use
+  //reader.use.file.status and reader.keep.status.tag if you want to retain that value.
+  // Only sort if input isn't already sorted.
+  if (!_inputIsSorted(input))
+  {
+    sortedElements = _sortElementsExternally(input);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    // If it was sorted, just get a stream with the ops we need to be applied inline and don't do
+    // any sorting.
+    sortedElements = _getFilteredInputStream(input);
+  }
+  _currentTaskNum++;
+  return sortedElements;
+ElementInputStreamPtr ChangesetCreator::_getEmptyInputStream()
+  // a no-op here since InMemoryElementSorter taking in an empty map will just return an empty
+  // element stream
+  return InMemoryElementSorterPtr(new InMemoryElementSorter(OsmMapPtr(new OsmMap())));
+ElementInputStreamPtr ChangesetCreator::_getFilteredInputStream(const QString& input)
+  LOG_DEBUG("Retrieving filtered input stream for: " << input.right(25) << "...");
+  QList<ElementVisitorPtr> visitors;
+  // We don't want to include review relations.
+  std::shared_ptr<ElementCriterion> elementCriterion(
+    new NotCriterion(
+      std::shared_ptr<TagKeyCriterion>(
+        new TagKeyCriterion(MetadataTags::HootReviewNeeds()))));
+  // Tags need to be truncated if they are over 255 characters.
+  visitors.append(std::shared_ptr<ApiTagTruncateVisitor>(new ApiTagTruncateVisitor()));
+  // open a stream to the input data
+  std::shared_ptr<PartialOsmMapReader> reader =
+    std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PartialOsmMapReader>(
+      OsmMapReaderFactory::createReader(input));
+  reader->setUseDataSourceIds(true);
+  reader->open(input);
+  ElementInputStreamPtr inputStream = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ElementInputStream>(reader);
+  ElementInputStreamPtr filteredInputStream(
+    new ElementCriterionVisitorInputStream(inputStream, elementCriterion, visitors));
+  // Add convert ops supporting streaming into the pipeline, if there are any. TODO: Any
+  // OsmMapOperations in the bunch need to operate on the entire map made up of both inputs to
+  // work correctly.
+  return
+    ElementStreamer::getFilteredInputStream(filteredInputStream, ConfigOptions().getConvertOps());
+ElementInputStreamPtr ChangesetCreator::_sortElementsInMemory(OsmMapPtr map)
+  return InMemoryElementSorterPtr(new InMemoryElementSorter(map));
+ElementInputStreamPtr ChangesetCreator::_sortElementsExternally(const QString& input)
+  std::shared_ptr<ExternalMergeElementSorter> sorted(new ExternalMergeElementSorter());
+  sorted->sort(_getFilteredInputStream(input));
+  return sorted;
+void ChangesetCreator::_streamChangesetOutput(ElementInputStreamPtr input1,
+                                              ElementInputStreamPtr input2, const QString& output)
+  LOG_INFO("Streaming changeset output to " << output.right(25) << "...")
+  QString stats;
+  LOG_VARD(output);
+  // Could this eventually be cleaned up to use OsmChangeWriterFactory and the OsmChange interface
+  // instead?
+  _changesetDeriver.reset(new ChangesetDeriver(input1, input2));
+  if (output.endsWith(".osc"))
+  {
+    OsmXmlChangesetFileWriter writer;
+    writer.write(output, _changesetDeriver);
+    stats = writer.getStatsTable();
+  }
+  else if (output.endsWith(".osc.sql"))
+  {
+    assert(!_osmApiDbUrl.isEmpty());
+    OsmApiDbSqlChangesetFileWriter(QUrl(_osmApiDbUrl)).write(output, _changesetDeriver);
+  }
+  LOG_VARD(_changesetDeriver->getNumCreateChanges());
+  LOG_VARD(_changesetDeriver->getNumModifyChanges());
+  LOG_VARD(_changesetDeriver->getNumDeleteChanges());
+  LOG_VARD(_changesetDeriver->getNumFromElementsParsed());
+  LOG_VARD(_changesetDeriver->getNumToElementsParsed());
+  if (_changesetDeriver->getNumChanges() == 0)
+  {
+    LOG_WARN("No changes written to changeset.");
+  }
+  // close the output stream
+  std::shared_ptr<PartialOsmMapReader> partialReader1 =
+    std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PartialOsmMapReader>(input1);
+  if (partialReader1)
+  {
+    partialReader1->finalizePartial();
+  }
+  input1->close();
+  std::shared_ptr<PartialOsmMapReader> partialReader2 =
+    std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PartialOsmMapReader>(input2);
+  if (partialReader2)
+  {
+    partialReader2->finalizePartial();
+  }
+  input2->close();
+  if (_printStats)
+  {
+    LOG_INFO("Changeset Stats:\n" << stats);
+  }
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