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v0.2.47..v0.2.48 changeset ApiEntityDisplayInfo.cpp

Garret Voltz edited this page Sep 27, 2019 · 1 revision
diff --git a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/info/ApiEntityDisplayInfo.cpp b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/info/ApiEntityDisplayInfo.cpp
index 8fd564b..8021cb3 100644
--- a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/info/ApiEntityDisplayInfo.cpp
+++ b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/info/ApiEntityDisplayInfo.cpp
@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@
 #include <hoot/core/algorithms/subline-matching/SublineStringMatcher.h>
 #include <hoot/core/conflate/matching/Match.h>
 #include <hoot/core/conflate/merging/Merger.h>
+#include <hoot/core/algorithms/WayJoiner.h>
+#include <hoot/core/criterion/ConflatableElementCriterion.h>
 //  Qt
 #include <QTextStream>
@@ -71,139 +72,6 @@ public:
 static const int MAX_NAME_SIZE = 45;
 static const int MAX_TYPE_SIZE = 18;
-template<typename ApiEntity>
-QString getApiEntities(const std::string& apiEntityBaseClassName, const QString& apiEntityType,
-                       const bool displayType,
-                       //the size of the longest names plus a 3 space buffer; the value passed in
-                       //here by callers may have to be adjusted over time for some entity types
-                       const int maxNameSize)
-  LOG_VARD(apiEntityBaseClassName);
-  std::vector<std::string> classNames =
-    Factory::getInstance().getObjectNamesByBase(apiEntityBaseClassName);
-  LOG_VARD(classNames);
-  ApiEntityNameComparator<ApiEntity> apiEntityNameComparator;
-  std::sort(classNames.begin(), classNames.end(), apiEntityNameComparator);
-  QString buffer;
-  QTextStream ts(&buffer);
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < classNames.size(); i++)
-  {
-    const std::string className = classNames[i];
-    LOG_VARD(className);
-    std::shared_ptr<ApiEntity> apiEntity(
-      Factory::getInstance().constructObject<ApiEntity>(className));
-    std::shared_ptr<ApiEntityInfo> apiEntityInfo =
-      std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ApiEntityInfo>(apiEntity);
-    if (!apiEntityInfo.get())
-    {
-      throw HootException(
-        "Calls to printApiEntities must be made with classes that implement ApiEntityInfo.");
-    }
-    LOG_VARD(apiEntityInfo->getDescription());
-    if (!apiEntityInfo->getDescription().isEmpty())
-    {
-      bool supportsSingleStat = false;
-      std::shared_ptr<SingleStatistic> singleStat =
-        std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SingleStatistic>(apiEntity);
-      if (singleStat.get())
-      {
-        supportsSingleStat = true;
-      }
-      QString name = QString::fromStdString(className).replace("hoot::", "");
-      //append '*' to the names of visitors that support the SingleStatistic interface
-      if (supportsSingleStat)
-      {
-        name += "*";
-      }
-      const int indentAfterName = maxNameSize - name.size();
-      const int indentAfterType = MAX_TYPE_SIZE - apiEntityType.size();
-      QString line_buffer;
-      QTextStream line(&line_buffer);
-      line << "  " << name << QString(indentAfterName, ' ');
-      if (displayType)
-      {
-        line << apiEntityType << QString(indentAfterType, ' ');
-      }
-      line << apiEntityInfo->getDescription();
-      LOG_VARD(line.readAll());
-      ts << line.readAll() << endl;
-    }
-  }
-  return ts.readAll();
-// match/merger creators have a more roundabout way to get at the description, so we'll create a new
-// display method for them
-template<typename ApiEntity>
-QString getApiEntities2(const std::string& apiEntityClassName)
-  //the size of the longest names plus a 3 space buffer
-  const int maxNameSize = 48;
-  std::vector<std::string> names =
-    Factory::getInstance().getObjectNamesByBase(apiEntityClassName);
-  ApiEntityNameComparator<ApiEntity> apiEntityNameComparator;
-  std::sort(names.begin(), names.end(), apiEntityNameComparator);
-  LOG_VARD(names);
-  QStringList output;
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++)
-  {
-    // get all names known by this creator
-    std::shared_ptr<ApiEntity> mc(
-      Factory::getInstance().constructObject<ApiEntity>(names[i]));
-    std::vector<CreatorDescription> creators = mc->getAllCreators();
-    LOG_VARD(creators.size());
-    for (std::vector<CreatorDescription>::const_iterator itr = creators.begin();
-         itr != creators.end(); ++itr)
-    {
-      CreatorDescription description = *itr;
-      LOG_VARD(description);
-      const QString name = QString::fromStdString(description.className).replace("hoot::", "");
-      LOG_VARD(name);
-      //this suppresses test and auxiliary rules files
-      if (!name.endsWith("Test.js") && !name.endsWith("Rules.js"))
-      {
-        const int indentAfterName = maxNameSize - name.size();
-        QString line = "  " + name + QString(indentAfterName, ' ');
-        line += description.description;
-        if (description.experimental)
-          line += " (experimental)";
-        LOG_VARD(line);
-        output.append(line);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  output.sort();
-  QString buffer;
-  QTextStream ts(&buffer);
-  for (int i = 0; i < output.size(); i++)
-    ts << << endl;
-  return ts.readAll();
-QString ApiEntityDisplayInfo::_apiEntityTypeForBaseClass(const QString& className)
-  LOG_VARD(className);
-  if (className.toStdString() == OsmMapOperation::className() ||
-      Factory::getInstance().hasBase<OsmMapOperation>(className.toStdString()))
-  {
-    return "operation";
-  }
-  else if (className.toStdString() == ElementVisitor::className() ||
-           Factory::getInstance().hasBase<ElementVisitor>(className.toStdString()))
-  {
-    return "visitor";
-  }
-  return "";
 QString ApiEntityDisplayInfo::getDisplayInfoOps(const QString& optName)
@@ -227,7 +95,7 @@ QString ApiEntityDisplayInfo::getDisplayInfoOps(const QString& optName)
   QString buffer;
   QTextStream ts(&buffer);
   for (int i = 0; i < operations.size(); i++)
-  {   
+  {
     QString className = operations[i];
@@ -287,19 +155,20 @@ QString ApiEntityDisplayInfo::getDisplayInfo(const QString& apiEntityType)
     msg += "; * = implements SingleStatistic):";
     ts << msg << endl;
-    ts << getApiEntities<ElementCriterion>(
+    ts << _getApiEntities<ElementCriterion, ElementCriterion>(
       ElementCriterion::className(), "criterion", true, MAX_NAME_SIZE);
-    ts << getApiEntities<OsmMapOperation>(
+    ts << _getApiEntities<OsmMapOperation, OsmMapOperation>(
       OsmMapOperation::className(), "operation", true, MAX_NAME_SIZE);
-    ts << getApiEntities<ElementVisitor>(ElementVisitor::className(), "visitor", true, MAX_NAME_SIZE);
+    ts << _getApiEntities<ElementVisitor, ElementVisitor>(
+      ElementVisitor::className(), "visitor", true, MAX_NAME_SIZE);
-  // this is pretty repetitive :-(
+  // All of this from here on down is pretty repetitive :-(
   else if (apiEntityType == "feature-extractors")
     msg += "):";
     msg.prepend("Feature Extractors");
     ts << msg << endl;
-    ts << getApiEntities<FeatureExtractor>(
+    ts << _getApiEntities<FeatureExtractor, FeatureExtractor>(
       FeatureExtractor::className(), "feature extractor", false, MAX_NAME_SIZE);
   else if (apiEntityType == "matchers")
@@ -307,15 +176,14 @@ QString ApiEntityDisplayInfo::getDisplayInfo(const QString& apiEntityType)
     msg += "):";
     ts << msg << endl;
-    ts << getApiEntities<Match>(
-      Match::className(), "matcher", false, MAX_NAME_SIZE);
+    ts << _getApiEntities<Match, Match>(Match::className(), "matcher", false, MAX_NAME_SIZE);
   else if (apiEntityType == "mergers")
     msg += "):";
     ts << msg << endl;
-    ts << getApiEntities<Merger>(
+    ts << _getApiEntities<Merger, Merger>(
       Merger::className(), "merger", false, MAX_NAME_SIZE);
   else if (apiEntityType == "match-creators")
@@ -323,28 +191,29 @@ QString ApiEntityDisplayInfo::getDisplayInfo(const QString& apiEntityType)
     msg += "):";
     msg.prepend("Conflate Match Creators");
     ts << msg << endl;
-    ts << getApiEntities2<MatchCreator>(MatchCreator::className());
+    ts << _getApiEntitiesForMatchMergerCreators<MatchCreator>(MatchCreator::className());
   else if (apiEntityType == "merger-creators")
     msg += "):";
     msg.prepend("Conflate Merger Creators");
     ts << msg << endl;
-    ts << getApiEntities2<MergerCreator>(MergerCreator::className());
+    ts << _getApiEntitiesForMatchMergerCreators<MergerCreator>(MergerCreator::className());
   else if (apiEntityType == "tag-mergers")
     msg += "):";
     msg.prepend("Tag Mergers");
     ts << msg << endl;
-    ts << getApiEntities<TagMerger>(TagMerger::className(), "tag merger", false, MAX_NAME_SIZE - 10);
+    ts << _getApiEntities<TagMerger, TagMerger>(
+      TagMerger::className(), "tag merger", false, MAX_NAME_SIZE - 10);
   else if (apiEntityType == "string-comparators")
     msg += "):";
     msg.prepend("String Comparators");
     ts << msg << endl;
-    ts << getApiEntities<StringDistance>(
+    ts << _getApiEntities<StringDistance, StringDistance>(
       StringDistance::className(), "string comparator", false, MAX_NAME_SIZE - 15);
   else if (apiEntityType == "subline-matchers")
@@ -352,7 +221,7 @@ QString ApiEntityDisplayInfo::getDisplayInfo(const QString& apiEntityType)
     msg += "):";
     msg.prepend("Subline Matchers");
     ts << msg << endl;
-    ts << getApiEntities<SublineMatcher>(
+    ts << _getApiEntities<SublineMatcher, SublineMatcher>(
       SublineMatcher::className(), "subline matcher", false, MAX_NAME_SIZE - 15);
   else if (apiEntityType == "subline-string-matchers")
@@ -360,7 +229,7 @@ QString ApiEntityDisplayInfo::getDisplayInfo(const QString& apiEntityType)
     msg += "):";
     msg.prepend("Subline Matchers");
     ts << msg << endl;
-    ts << getApiEntities<SublineStringMatcher>(
+    ts << _getApiEntities<SublineStringMatcher, SublineStringMatcher>(
       SublineStringMatcher::className(), "subline string matcher", false, MAX_NAME_SIZE - 15);
   else if (apiEntityType == "value-aggregators")
@@ -368,10 +237,171 @@ QString ApiEntityDisplayInfo::getDisplayInfo(const QString& apiEntityType)
     msg += "):";
     msg.prepend("Value Aggregators");
     ts << msg << endl;
-    ts << getApiEntities<ValueAggregator>(
+    ts << _getApiEntities<ValueAggregator, ValueAggregator>(
       ValueAggregator::className(), "value aggregator", false, MAX_NAME_SIZE - 10);
+  else if (apiEntityType == "way-joiners")
+  {
+    msg += "):";
+    msg.prepend("Way Joiners");
+    ts << msg << endl;
+    ts << _getApiEntities<WayJoiner, WayJoiner>(
+      WayJoiner::className(), "way joiner", false, MAX_NAME_SIZE - 10);
+  }
+  else if (apiEntityType == "conflatable-criteria")
+  {
+    msg += "):";
+    msg.prepend("Conflatable Criteria");
+    ts << msg << endl;
+    ts << _getApiEntities<ElementCriterion, ConflatableElementCriterion>(
+      ElementCriterion::className(), "conflatable criteria", false, MAX_NAME_SIZE - 10);
+  }
+  return ts.readAll();
+template<typename ApiEntity, typename ApiEntityChild>
+QString ApiEntityDisplayInfo::_getApiEntities(
+  const std::string& apiEntityBaseClassName, const QString& apiEntityType,
+  const bool displayType,
+  //the size of the longest names plus a 3 space buffer; the value passed in
+  //here by callers may have to be adjusted over time for some entity types
+  const int maxNameSize)
+  LOG_VARD(apiEntityBaseClassName);
+  std::vector<std::string> classNames =
+    Factory::getInstance().getObjectNamesByBase(apiEntityBaseClassName);
+  LOG_VARD(classNames);
+  ApiEntityNameComparator<ApiEntity> apiEntityNameComparator;
+  std::sort(classNames.begin(), classNames.end(), apiEntityNameComparator);
+  QString buffer;
+  QTextStream ts(&buffer);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < classNames.size(); i++)
+  {
+    const std::string className = classNames[i];
+    LOG_VARD(className);
+    std::shared_ptr<ApiEntity> apiEntity(
+      Factory::getInstance().constructObject<ApiEntity>(className));
+    std::shared_ptr<ApiEntityInfo> apiEntityInfo =
+      std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ApiEntityInfo>(apiEntity);
+    if (!apiEntityInfo.get())
+    {
+      throw IllegalArgumentException(
+        "Calls to printApiEntities must be made with classes that implement ApiEntityInfo.");
+    }
+    if (ApiEntity::className() != ApiEntityChild::className())
+    {
+      std::shared_ptr<ApiEntityChild> child = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ApiEntityChild>(apiEntity);
+      if (!child)
+      {
+        continue;
+      }
+    }
+    LOG_VARD(apiEntityInfo->getDescription());
+    if (!apiEntityInfo->getDescription().isEmpty())
+    {
+      bool supportsSingleStat = false;
+      std::shared_ptr<SingleStatistic> singleStat =
+        std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SingleStatistic>(apiEntity);
+      if (singleStat.get())
+      {
+        supportsSingleStat = true;
+      }
+      QString name = QString::fromStdString(className).replace("hoot::", "");
+      //append '*' to the names of visitors that support the SingleStatistic interface
+      if (supportsSingleStat)
+      {
+        name += "*";
+      }
+      const int indentAfterName = maxNameSize - name.size();
+      const int indentAfterType = MAX_TYPE_SIZE - apiEntityType.size();
+      QString line_buffer;
+      QTextStream line(&line_buffer);
+      line << "  " << name << QString(indentAfterName, ' ');
+      if (displayType)
+      {
+        line << apiEntityType << QString(indentAfterType, ' ');
+      }
+      line << apiEntityInfo->getDescription();
+      LOG_VARD(line.readAll());
+      ts << line.readAll() << endl;
+    }
+  }
   return ts.readAll();
+// match/merger creators have a more roundabout way to get at the description, so we'll create a new
+// display method for them
+template<typename ApiEntity>
+QString ApiEntityDisplayInfo::_getApiEntitiesForMatchMergerCreators(
+  const std::string& apiEntityClassName)
+  //the size of the longest names plus a 3 space buffer
+  const int maxNameSize = 48;
+  std::vector<std::string> names =
+    Factory::getInstance().getObjectNamesByBase(apiEntityClassName);
+  ApiEntityNameComparator<ApiEntity> apiEntityNameComparator;
+  std::sort(names.begin(), names.end(), apiEntityNameComparator);
+  LOG_VARD(names);
+  QStringList output;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++)
+  {
+    // get all names known by this creator
+    std::shared_ptr<ApiEntity> mc(
+      Factory::getInstance().constructObject<ApiEntity>(names[i]));
+    std::vector<CreatorDescription> creators = mc->getAllCreators();
+    LOG_VARD(creators.size());
+    for (std::vector<CreatorDescription>::const_iterator itr = creators.begin();
+         itr != creators.end(); ++itr)
+    {
+      CreatorDescription description = *itr;
+      LOG_VARD(description);
+      const QString name = QString::fromStdString(description.className).replace("hoot::", "");
+      LOG_VARD(name);
+      //this suppresses test and auxiliary rules files
+      if (!name.endsWith("Test.js") && !name.endsWith("Rules.js"))
+      {
+        const int indentAfterName = maxNameSize - name.size();
+        QString line = "  " + name + QString(indentAfterName, ' ');
+        line += description.description;
+        if (description.experimental)
+          line += " (experimental)";
+        LOG_VARD(line);
+        output.append(line);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  output.sort();
+  QString buffer;
+  QTextStream ts(&buffer);
+  for (int i = 0; i < output.size(); i++)
+    ts << << endl;
+  return ts.readAll();
+QString ApiEntityDisplayInfo::_apiEntityTypeForBaseClass(const QString& className)
+  LOG_VARD(className);
+  if (className.toStdString() == OsmMapOperation::className() ||
+      Factory::getInstance().hasBase<OsmMapOperation>(className.toStdString()))
+  {
+    return "operation";
+  }
+  else if (className.toStdString() == ElementVisitor::className() ||
+           Factory::getInstance().hasBase<ElementVisitor>(className.toStdString()))
+  {
+    return "visitor";
+  }
+  return "";
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