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v0.2.50..v0.2.51 changeset

Garret Voltz edited this page Jan 15, 2020 · 1 revision
diff --git a/test-files/cmd/slow/ b/test-files/cmd/slow/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fda3b01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-files/cmd/slow/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+set -e
+rm -rf $OUTPUT_DIR
+mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR
+# IN MEMORY SORTING (default)
+echo "Deriving changeset with in-memory element sorting..."
+hoot changeset-derive -C Testing.conf $INPUT_DIR/map1.osm $INPUT_DIR/map2.osm $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-1.osc
+diff $INPUT_DIR/changeset-1.osc $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-1.osc 
+echo "Deriving changeset single input with in-memory element sorting..."
+hoot changeset-derive -C Testing.conf $INPUT_DIR/map1.osm "" $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-2.osc
+diff $INPUT_DIR/changeset-2.osc $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-2.osc 
+# Add at least one map consumer in the convert ops to force in memory sorting when no element buffer size is specified.
+echo "Deriving changeset with unstreamable op..."
+hoot changeset-derive -C Testing.conf -D convert.ops="hoot::MapCropper;hoot::SetTagValueVisitor" -D crop.bounds="104.8948,38.8519,104.9003,38.85545" -D set.tag.value.visitor.keys=test_key -D set.tag.value.visitor.values=test_val $INPUT_DIR/map1.osm "" $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-3.osc
+diff $INPUT_DIR/changeset-3.osc $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-3.osc 
+# Unlike the final error checking test there are no overlapping element IDs in these input files, so the map ops should be applied.
+echo "Deriving changeset unstreamable op and no overlapping element IDs..."
+hoot changeset-derive -C Testing.conf -D convert.ops="hoot::MapCropper;hoot::SetTagValueVisitor" -D crop.bounds="-104.8055,39.5906,-104.8035,39.594" -D set.tag.value.visitor.keys=test_key -D set.tag.value.visitor.values=test_val test-files/ToyBuildingsTestA.osm test-files/ToyBuildingsTestB.osm $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-10.osc
+diff $INPUT_DIR/changeset-10.osc $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-10.osc 
+# There are overlapping element IDs between these two files, but since the elements with overlapping IDs are identical in the two files, no
+# error should occur.
+# TODO: fix
+#echo "Deriving changeset with unstreamable op and overlapping element IDs with identical elements..."
+#hoot changeset-derive -C Testing.conf -D convert.ops="hoot::MapCropper;hoot::SetTagValueVisitor" -D crop.bounds="104.8948,38.8519,104.9003,38.85545" -D set.tag.value.visitor.keys=test_key -D set.tag.value.visitor.values=test_val $INPUT_DIR/map1.osm $INPUT_DIR/map2.osm $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-12.osc
+#diff $INPUT_DIR/changeset-12.osc $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-12.osc 
+# A set of all streamable convert ops should work with in memory sorting as well.
+echo "Deriving changeset with streamable ops..."
+hoot changeset-derive -C Testing.conf -D convert.ops="hoot::SetTagValueVisitor;hoot::ReplaceTagVisitor" -D set.tag.value.visitor.keys=test_key -D set.tag.value.visitor.values=test_val -D replace.tag.visitor.match.tag="highway=road" -D replace.tag.visitor.replace.tag="highway=primary" $INPUT_DIR/map1.osm $INPUT_DIR/map2.osm $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-4.osc
+diff $INPUT_DIR/changeset-4.osc $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-4.osc 
+echo "Deriving changeset single input with streamable ops..."
+hoot changeset-derive -C Testing.conf -D convert.ops="hoot::SetTagValueVisitor;hoot::ReplaceTagVisitor" -D set.tag.value.visitor.keys=test_key -D set.tag.value.visitor.values=test_val -D replace.tag.visitor.match.tag="highway=road" -D replace.tag.visitor.replace.tag="highway=primary" $INPUT_DIR/map1.osm "" $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-8.osc
+diff $INPUT_DIR/changeset-8.osc $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-8.osc 
+echo "Deriving changeset with external sort buffer specified..."
+hoot changeset-derive -C Testing.conf -D element.sorter.element.buffer.size=5 $INPUT_DIR/map1.osm $INPUT_DIR/map2.osm $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-5.osc
+diff $INPUT_DIR/changeset-1.osc $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-5.osc 
+echo "Deriving changeset single input with external sort buffer specified..."
+hoot changeset-derive -C Testing.conf -D element.sorter.element.buffer.size=5 $INPUT_DIR/map1.osm "" $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-6.osc
+diff $INPUT_DIR/changeset-2.osc $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-6.osc 
+# If all convert ops are streamable (not map consumers), then external merge sorting will occur if a positive element buffer size was specified.
+echo "Deriving changeset with streamable ops and external sort buffer specified..."
+hoot changeset-derive -C Testing.conf -D element.sorter.element.buffer.size=5 -D convert.ops="hoot::SetTagValueVisitor;hoot::ReplaceTagVisitor" -D set.tag.value.visitor.keys=test_key -D set.tag.value.visitor.values=test_val -D replace.tag.visitor.match.tag="highway=road" -D replace.tag.visitor.replace.tag="highway=primary" $INPUT_DIR/map1.osm $INPUT_DIR/map2.osm $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-7.osc
+diff $INPUT_DIR/changeset-4.osc $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-7.osc 
+echo "Deriving changeset single input with streamable ops and external sort buffer specified..."
+hoot changeset-derive -C Testing.conf -D element.sorter.element.buffer.size=5 -D convert.ops="hoot::SetTagValueVisitor;hoot::ReplaceTagVisitor" -D set.tag.value.visitor.keys=test_key -D set.tag.value.visitor.values=test_val -D replace.tag.visitor.match.tag="highway=road" -D replace.tag.visitor.replace.tag="highway=primary" $INPUT_DIR/map1.osm "" $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-9.osc
+diff $INPUT_DIR/changeset-9.osc $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-9.osc 
+# IMPORTANT - This error producing test has to be run very last in order for the other test above to complete successfully.
+# This will cause an error b/c we're deriving a changeset between two files with overlapping element IDs while using an OsmMapOperation and the
+# elements with the overlapping IDs are not identical. Using an OsmMapOperation requires all map inputs to be read into memory at once, and 
+# since we have to preserve element IDs for changeset derivation by keeping the original IDs, the overlapping IDs cannot be loaded.
+echo "Deriving changeset with unstreamable op and overlapping element IDs with non-identical elements..."
+hoot changeset-derive -C Testing.conf -D convert.ops="hoot::MapCropper;hoot::SetTagValueVisitor" -D crop.bounds="104.8948,38.8519,104.9003,38.85545" -D set.tag.value.visitor.keys=test_key -D set.tag.value.visitor.values=test_val $INPUT_DIR/map1.osm $INPUT_DIR/map3.osm $OUTPUT_DIR/changeset-11.osc
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