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The House File

luciensadi edited this page Jan 14, 2021 · 4 revisions

The house file at lib/etc/houses controls the apartments in the game. It is formatted as follows:

<the number of landlord entries in the file>
<a landlord line that controls X rooms>
<X room lines>
<another landlord line that controls Y rooms>
<Y room lines...>
<a blank empty line at the end>

The Landlord Line

<landlord mob vnum> <race bitfield (unused? set it to 0 for now)> <base cost in nuyen> <num rooms>

The Room Line

<room vnum> <key vnum> <direction of exit to atrium> <lifestyle> <apt name> <PC owner's idnum (set to 0)> 0 <paid until (set to 0)>


0 = Low
1 = Middle
2 = High
3 = Luxury


#define NORTH          0
#define NORTHEAST      1
#define EAST           2
#define SOUTHEAST      3
#define SOUTH          4
#define SOUTHWEST      5
#define WEST           6
#define NORTHWEST      7