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OLC Overview and FAQs

UndeadNappist edited this page Jan 8, 2022 · 9 revisions


OLC is short for On-Line Creation. It is the name of the system that we use to modify the game world while logged in. AwakeMUD uses a modified OasisOLC system, which is documented in this wiki.

If you're new to OLC, you'll want to follow the instructions laid out in the Getting Started guide. Once you've gotten your zone set up, you can work on creating your new material. Please see the index for information on the specific commands that can be used.

If you're running your own copy of AwakeMUD and have actual players, we highly recommend that you run a second instance of the game as a builder's port, so changes and modifications take place out of players' sight. This allows you to only bring over areas that are completed, and also removes any possibility of the builders directly abusing their powers in-game.


How do I get started?

Contact the head builder, Wither. It may take them awhile to get back to you - it's a volunteer job and we're all in it for the fun.

How do I load the things I've created?

Rooms will already exist in the game-- once you finish editing, the room is there and accessible, and may be traveled to with goto <vnum>.

Objects may be loaded on a temporary basis with iload <vnum> or wizload object <vnum> (these commands do the same thing). In order to make the object load on a permanent basis, you will need to write zone commands to load them into the game.

Mobs may be loaded on a temporary basis with wizload mob <vnum>. If you want them to load permanently, you'll want to use a zone command to do so.

Vehicles may be loaded without an owner by using wizload veh <vnum>. If you want to set its owner, use vset <vehicle> owner <your ID number> (your ID number can be seen with stat self). Alternatively, you can wizload the vehicle in a vehicle shop's storeroom such as room 10022 or 1398, then purchase the vehicle at the corresponding shop (10021 or 1399, respectively). If you want your vehicle to be permanently for sale in that shop, you can use a zone command to have it spawn in the shop's storeroom.

How do I test things?

You'll want to use a mortal (non-staff) character for testing out your new areas. Staff characters have extra perks and settings that interfere with proper testing. It's recommended to have your staff character online as well so you can simplify movement of your test character-- for example, transfer <target> will summon the target to you, or teleport <target> <destination vnum> will send them to the specified destination.

I'm done, what do I do now?

Double check your own zone with audit command to see potential common issues. Then reach out to the head builder Wither, or Lucien if he is unavailable at the time.

What if I have additional questions not answered here?

Feel free to join our Discord server at and ask there!


A vnum is a positive integer that the game uses to refer to anything in-game.

  • Rooms, objects, mobs, vehicles, and all other things in the game have vnums-- for instance, Grog's vnum is 35500, while Stacie's vnum is 35502.
  • Confusingly, the indexes for objects, mobs, vehicles, rooms, etc are separate, so the same vnum can refer to multiple things (vnum 35500 is Grog, and the room Grog's standing in, and a Dante's Inferno nightclub pass...)
  • A vnum is only usable if it is contained within a zone.

A zone is a collection of vnums.

  • By default, a zone contains 100 vnums, starting with its own number multiplied by 100. For example, zone 6 (Taxicabs and Standard Gear) contains vnums 600-699.
  • Zones have their own reset logic, in which you can specify zone commands that cause certain things to happen in the zone on a specified schedule.
  • They also specify concepts like jurisdiction, security level, and importantly, the ID numbers of the builders who are authorized to edit the zone. For more information on zones, including the commands used to list and edit them, see the zone editing page.

Zone commands are the instructions you can write into a zone to specify what NPCs should be loaded where; whether doors should be closed/locked; where vehicles and items load; etc.