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Let's be lazy whenever we can

Daisho Komiyama edited this page Jan 15, 2018 · 24 revisions


In the military they say whenever you can, walk rather than run. Stay rather than walk. Lay down on the ground rather than standing. Take a nap rather than just lying down.

Saving energy for what to come is considered very important even it would make you look a lazy person.
The same goes for web development.

You might've been asked to DO SOMETHING by your supervisor or French copywriter to stop unexpected line break from happening. Let's say this French line "Aujourd'hui, 50 % de rabais" breaks at right before the percentage sign on small devices. It looks bad.

Aujourd'hui, 50
% de rabais

Of course I know you know how to not let it happen. We can add   (non-breaking space) between digits and percentage sign to make them behave as one word. Easy-peasy. But what about other special characters like dollar sign or when there are tons of them in the document you get from your copywriter? You can still do it by hand or you might want to use "search and replace" of your text editor. But you know what always happens to us is we get revised version called "latest.docx" after doing it.

Let's save our brain power from repeated, boring and error-prone tasks to allocate resources (time and effort) for real tasks. It is important for us to keep thinking to get lazier than we were yesterday because the more we are the more brain power available for anything we want to focus.

Here's a helper tool I built for myself as I'm terrible at reading documents especially if it's written in French. Please incorporate this tool into your daily workflow to save tons of seconds and your brain power.

If you spot any error or you have requests let me know at

Non-Breaking Space Injector

Integrator Helper Tool: Repository, DEMO

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