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How to find missing files among 10,000 of them

Daisho Komiyama edited this page Mar 17, 2022 · 2 revisions

The other day, I created 10,000 NFT art using hashlips engine.

I tried to upload all of them using IPFS desktop client. I certainly uploaded all files, but I noticed that there were so many missing files in the uploaded list. It seems some of them were not accepted due to whatever reasons. Maybe I put too many files at once to upload.

I wanted to know which ones are missing, but among nearly 10,000 items, checking manually is way too inefficient. IPFS desktop client is not equipped with even a simple search feature. I started making the missing file list literally with a pen and paper.

I covered only about a few hundred items using an hour. There were still more than nine thousand and seven hundred items to go through. It could take a week.

So I downloaded all files from IPFS client, print the downloaded files in a terminal. Copied the all names, then I wrote a script.

const files = `
  1.png 2.png ...
 5010.png    5011.png  5013.png ...
9987.png    9999.png
const filenames = files
  .replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, "") // removes carriage returns and new lines
  .replace(/\s+/g, " ") // replaces multiple whitespaces with a single whitespace
  .split(/\s+/g) // convert string to array; whitespace is the delimiter

filenames.shift() // removes the junk at the initial index
filenames.pop() // removes the junk at the last index

const fileNumbersWithoutExtension = filenames.reduce((acc, cur) => {
  const item = cur.replace(".png", "");
  acc.push(parseInt(item, 10));
  return acc;
}, []);

const sorted = fileNumbersWithoutExtension.sort((a, b) => a - b); // sorts ascending order
const missing = findMissing(sorted)
console.log(JSON.stringify(missing, null, 2)) // [678, 989, 2321, 2897, 4090, 6112, 9899]
// depending on how many items you handle, but when the number is huge
// your terminal won't print everything; JSON.stringify helps

const findMissing = num => {
  const max = Math.max(...num) 
  const min = Math.min(...num)
  const missing = []

  for (let i = min; i <= max; i++) {
    if (!num.includes(i)) {
      // checks whether i(current value) present in num (argument)
      missing.push(i) // adding numbers which are not in num (argument) array
  return missing;
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