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How to examine your network

Daisho Komiyama edited this page Jun 10, 2023 · 2 revisions

Imagine the application you're using is down. You want to know if it's the app or the network.

Step 1 - ping


No response. Then the next.

Step 2 - traceroute traceroute prints all hops from your computer to the destination.


Step 3 - netstat netstat displays active network connections and listening ports on a system.

netstat -lt | less

-l - prints full IPv6 address

-t - filters for TCP connections

less - displays pages one at a time


The nslookup command is a network administration tool used to query the Domain Name System (DNS) to obtain information about domain names, IP addresses, and other DNS records. It is available on most operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

When you run the nslookup command followed by a domain name or an IP address, it will contact a DNS server and retrieve information related to that domain or IP. The specific information returned by nslookup includes:

Name and IP address: If you provide a domain name, nslookup will return the corresponding IP address. Conversely, if you provide an IP address, it will attempt to retrieve the associated domain name.

Authoritative DNS server: nslookup will provide information about the authoritative DNS server for the queried domain. This server holds the definitive DNS records for the domain.

Additional DNS records: nslookup can retrieve various types of DNS records for a domain, such as MX (Mail Exchange) records, NS (Name Server) records, CNAME (Canonical Name) records, and more. These records provide additional information about the domain's configuration.

Overall, nslookup is a useful tool for troubleshooting network connectivity issues, verifying DNS configurations, and gathering information about domain names and IP addresses.



Similar to nslookup, dig allows you to retrieve information about domain names, IP addresses, and DNS records. However, dig offers more flexibility and provides more detailed information compared to nslookup.

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