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How to mock multiple useSelectors (react redux) in Jest

Daisho Komiyama edited this page Sep 3, 2022 · 1 revision

When writing tests, creating API mocks is necessary, but it is sometimes very painful, especially since there are multiple selectors in the target component and its children.

I'm leaving a note for myself. Here's the tech stack.

  • Jest
  • react-redux

We have two selectors defined in respective files.


export const getConfig = state => state?config


export const getBlogPosts = state => state?blogPosts

There are three steps in a test suite.

  1. import the selectors
  2. set them to jest mock
  3. use them


// import selectors
import { getConfig } from 'store/config/selectors'
import { getBlogPosts } from 'store/blog/selectors'

// set them to mock

// use them in test scenarios. Set desired return value to the callback function of `mockImplementation`.
beforeEach(() => {
  getConfig.mockImplementation(() => { lang: 'en' })
  getBlogPosts.mockImplementation(() => [{...}, {...}])

That's it. You should see the return values when you run the test.

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