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How fast Wasm can be?

Daisho Komiyama edited this page Jan 15, 2022 · 6 revisions

Recently I started learning Rust. I love this language so much.

I recently did a little experiment with WebAssembly that Rust can produce. I want to know how efficient it can be as opposed to JavaScript.

So I created a function that calculates the Fibonacci sequence to measure the performance. It's a recursive function so must be CPU-intensive.

Here's each function.

// JS
function fibonacciJs(n) {
  if (n < 2) {
    return n;
  return fibonacciJs(n - 1) + fibonacciJs(n - 2);
// Rust
pub fn fibonacci(n: i64) -> i64 {
  if n < 2 {
    return n;
  return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);

I built a pkg using the wasm-pack library, then imported it into JS, bundled with Webpack.

import * as wasm from '../../../../pkg'

const t0 =
const f1 = wasm.fibonacci(BigInt(10)).toString() // By using BigInt and toString method, wasm can be posed a bit of penalty.
const t1 =
console.log(f1, (t1 - t0) / 1000) // seconds

Case: n = 10

Result: 55

// Wasm (Rust)
// JS
0 // technically, it shouldn't be 0, but the console doesn't print decimal numbers.

Both fast. There are practically no differences between them.

Case: n = 20

Result: 6765

// Wasm (Rust)
// JS

The results started showing the difference. JS took 0.00170 seconds, whereas Wasm took 0.00019.

Wasm is 8.5x faster.

Case: n = 30

Result: 832040

// Wasm (Rust)
// JS

Wasm is 2.16x faster.

Case: n = 40

Result: 102334155

// Wasm (Rust)
// JS

Still, Wasm is about 1.94x faster.

Case: n = 50

Result: 12586269025

// Wasm (Rust)
// JS

The calculation suddenly became intensive after around 43. Wasm took 56 seconds. JS took 208 seconds.

Wasm is 3.67x faster.

Case: n = 51

Result: 20365011074

// Wasm (Rust)
// JS

JS took 366 seconds which is 6 minutes! It took 94 seconds even for Wasm.

Wasm is 3.86x faster.

I think continuing more than 51 would be unrealistic. So I'm wrapping up here.

As I expected, Wasm is a lot faster than JS.

What surprised me most was that calculating the Fibonacci sequence recursively is a nasty job for computers. But interestingly, I ran these CPU-heavy calculations continuously, my MacBook M1 Pro (2021) stays cool during the entire test. Actually, I've never heard the fan noise at all since I bought it. Impressive.


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