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Embrace the craft of programming, avoid merely being a tool user

Daisho Komiyama edited this page Nov 16, 2023 · 1 revision

<soapbox> I often come across individuals in web development who are extremely enthusiastic about using libraries, regardless of the circumstances. They frequently justify their choice by saying, "I don't want to reinvent the wheel." While this reasoning may sound reasonable, the issue arises when they forcefully attempt to implement that so-called "wheel" (library) even when it doesn't align with the requirements of the application. In the worst-case scenario, this approach leads to a situation where the application needs to be extensively modified to accommodate the library. At that point, I strongly believe we are going about it the wrong way.

It's time to stop using "reinventing the wheel" as a mere excuse. This phrase is often misused by individuals who have never actually built a wheel themselves.</soapbox>

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