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OpenGrid Roadmap Meeting Notes Q2 2017

Tom Schenk Jr edited this page Jul 31, 2017 · 1 revision


There are a few strategic areas which will help guide the next phases of OpenGrid. Much of it is discussed in the PowerPoint, some key items from our subsequent conversation:

  • Closing the platform gap between running OpenGrid on MongoDB and running it on Plenario is paramount. Based on the discussion, one of the best ways is to allow Plenario to store metadata about the dataset. This would allow more flexibility and harmony between the two versions of the product.
    • Plenario is in the midst of considering an extensive rewrite and version 2. This may be included in that next version.
  • The on-premise deployment of Plenario will be important to the industry partners who feel there is a market to deploy OpenGrid and Plenario for other cities and clients. This on-premise deployment
  • There was an agreement on circumventing the row limit in the maps for OpenGrid--which is primarily caused by browser issues. The best way to tackle this is through aggregation, such as heatmaps, charts, etc.
    • Though not discussed in the meeting, we may want to look at other projects developed by cities, such as Philadelphia's vizwit (repo) and San Francisco's Data Explorer (repo).

In the coming weeks, we'll schedule discussions on some of these items and incorporate them into v1.5.0 and beyond.


Weekly meeting notes

Roadmap proposals

Scope and Planning

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