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Beat Küng edited this page Jul 16, 2012 · 2 revisions

The registers of the camera sensor can be changed via the proc interface or via OscCamSetRegisterValue().

Example: look at the actual value of the registers:

 cat /proc/oscCam

The most important registers are:

 Gain: 0x35 (Analog Gain = 0.0625x(Bits 6:0) for Gains 1-2, 0x125*(Bits 6:0)/2 for Gains 2-4)
 Shutter width: 0x0b (time depending on row width, for an independent implementation use OscCamSetShutterWidth())
 AEC : 0xAF, Bit 0 (1 Sets automatic exposure to "ON")
 AGC : 0xAF, Bit 1 (1 Sets automatic gain to "ON")


Switch off AGC and AEC:

 echo 0xaf 0x00 > /proc/oscCam

Change the Analog Gain to 1:

 echo 0x35 0x10 > /proc/oscCam
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