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Beat Küng edited this page Jul 14, 2012 · 2 revisions

This page describes how documentation pages in this Wiki should be formatted to create a consistent look and feel. Alongside, examples on how to use Wiki syntax to do this are provided.

Table of Contents

General Style

Look at the pages of the Users Guide and get a feeling of how they are structured and where which formatting technique is employed.



Each wiki page that is created has a name. This name is automatically displayed in a big font at the top of the page and is used to reference the page with links.

The page title may contain any printable Unicode character, but for use in a URL anything that is not [0-9a-zA-Z-_] (and some) is replaced by underscores (_).

Editing a page

To edit a page, log in and use the Edit at the top of the page content. This is also a good way to view the page source to learn how certain formatting is done.

Creating a page

To create a page, log in and use the Create Wiki Page link from the panel on the left side.

There you can enter a title and the content of the page in Wikimedia syntax. Some basic formatting is taught here, but a thorough documentation may be found over at the Wikimeadi project pages

Document Structure


Stucturing a page is easy with Titles as sub-title. A line that begins with at least two consecutive equal signs (=) an ends with the same amount of equal signs.

 == Heading ==
 === Sub-heading ===
 ==== Sub<sup>2</sup>-heading ====




Each Heading is included in the Contents box that is placed at the top of the page.


As with HTML newlines within a paragraph are ignored. To start a new paragraph, two newlines may be used.

 Followed by another one.
This is a single paragraph written on two lines. Followed by another one.


Lists are created by beginning a line with an asterisk (*) for a bullet list or a hash mark (#) for a numbered list.

 # This is a
 # numbered
 # list
  • This gives a
  • list with bullets
    • and sub-lists
      • and sub2-lists
  1. This is a
  2. numbered
  3. list

List items are indented according to the number of asterisks or hash marks at the beginning of the line.

Preformatted paragraphs

For code listings and console interaction preformatted paragraphs are your friend. Consecutive lines that start with a space character ( ) are logically and visually grouped into a block of preformatted text where whitespace is preserved and wiki formatting commands are not interpreted.

  I can  have   as    many     spaces      as       I        want.
This i s preformatted t e x t. I can have as many spaces as I want.

Text Decorations

Italic Text

To write a word or paragraph in oblique letters, enclose them by two pairs of apostrophes (''). Italic text may be used to highlight examplatory information that should be replaced by the user with actual information.

To change the current working directory, use the command <tt>cd ''directory''</tt>.
To change the current working directory, use the command cd ''directory''.

Bold Text

To write a word or paragraph in bold letters, enclose them by two tripples of apostrophes ('''). Bold text may be used to highlight certain important pieces of information.

 The compiled object code will be put into the file '''main.o'''.
The compiled object code will be put into the file main.o.

Monospaced Text

To write a word or paragraph in monospaced letters, enclose them by <tt> and </tt> tags. Monospaced text may be used to write code examples or console interaction within prosaic text.

 To get a list of all files in a directory with their meta-data, use <tt>ls -l</tt>.
To get a list of all files in a directory with their meta-data, use ls -l.
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