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scs edited this page Jul 14, 2012 · 5 revisions

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Oscar and template applications

If you found a bug in either the Oscar Software Framework or one of the accompanying Template Applications and know how to fix it, please be so kind as to share your improvement with the world. Simply send the patch by E-Mail and we will see to it being incorporated in the source code. The same holds true for new or improved functionality. Everything will have to be reviewed before being accepted. Please note that there apply strict guidelines to coding style and documentation level in the Oscar Software Framework.

Applications, hardware plans, documentation, drivers

If you created something on leanXcam you would like to share with the rest of the world, we will gladly host it for you. Send the code together with some usage instructions and a short description and we will put it up for download (or link it). Please note that we can not host code containing intellectual property or released under a license not permitting publication.

Patches for existing community applications are also welcome, although we can make no guarantees of being able to correctly test, version and incorporate them.

If you have an interesting project going, but either it is not finished yet or you would like to keep the code closed, you can also contact us and we will consider adding it to the Projects on leanXcam page.


Found out how to interface leanXcam with a specific hardware device? Ported an existing program, library or framework to leanXcam? Figured out a clever trick for how to make something work (better)? Write a few lines of instructions and post it in the Forum or directly write an E-Mail. This know-how can then be incorporated into our existing documentation.



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