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Scott Erickson edited this page Jan 30, 2014 · 1 revision

The settings tab is simply a Treema covering all the properties of the Level not covered by the other tabs.

To Rename Your Level

  1. Click the name of the Level
  2. Enter the new name
  3. Press tab or enter

Give your Level a Description

  1. Click the 'Description' box.
  2. Enter in your description with Markdown syntax
  3. Press escape

Add General Guide Entries to your Level

  1. Open the 'Documentation' entry by clicking the triangle
  2. Open the 'General Articles' entry by clicking the triangle (you can also use keyboard shortcuts for navigating within any Treema)
  3. Press the 'plus' button
  4. Enter in a word of the name of the article you want to add.
  5. Use the autocomplete to choose the article.

Add Specific Guide Entries to your Level

Do the same as adding General Guide Entries, but when you press the plus button, use the Treema controls to add a name and Markdown formatted content.

Add Victory Screen content to your Level

  1. Open the Victory Screen entry by clicking the rectangle.
  2. Click the box and edit the text the same way you would when editing a description or guide entry content, with Markdown.
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