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Josh Callebaut edited this page Feb 2, 2016 · 3 revisions

To add the sample code, first double-click the Hero Placeholder and navigate to their programming.Programmable component. Navigate through the component's tree:

  • programming.Programmable
    • programmableMethods
      • plan
        • languages
          • This is where the alternate language sample code will be filled in. Python is the important one!
        • source
          • This is the Javascript sample code.
        • i18n
          • Add this field after creating comments so Diplomats can add translations.
        • Comments
          • This is where replacement comments will go.

When filling in the sample code for a level, there are a few neat tips to keep in mind.

  • Comments are always given a space between their commenting symbol and the comment itself.
  • // This is a comment!
  • # This is a Python comment.
  • -- <%= commentDeclaration %>

Hint Arrow

If the level is attempting to teach a concept or guide players through writing code, it is important to direct the player's attention to where the code should be inserted. In each blank area below a comment, an arrow will display.

  • Note: CodeCombat allows for one block of comments at the start of the sample code before adding an arrow below all comments with an empty space below them.

Change Arrow

There are some levels where the player is given a hint in the form of pre-existing code. Often times this code is wrong, or, generally should be changed or removed if the user is to progress. Use the (delta) symbol on the same line as the code and a hint arrow will point to the line until it has been changed.

i18n Strings

Simply writing your sample code doesn't provide the Diplomats with access to the strings for translation. You will need to use a special string replacement structure to pull these comments out for translation.

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