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Scott Erickson edited this page Jan 15, 2016 · 5 revisions


You want to create a new page on the CodeCombat website.


Create view, template, and style files and then tie the url to the view in the Router.


First, create the three core files:

  1. View file. In /app/views or one of the subfolders, create the view file. The name should be CamelCase, end with 'View', and be a CoffeeScript file. The contents should be something like this:
RootView = require 'views/core/RootView'
template = require 'templates/foo-view'

module.exports = class FooView extends RootView
  id: 'foo-view'
  template: template

  initialize: (options) ->
    # get things started here
  1. Template file. In /app/templates, or one of the subfolders, create the template file. The name should be hyphenated, end with '-view', and be a jade file, and the subfolder-path should match the View's. The contents should look something like this:
extends /templates/base

block content
  p Hello World
  1. Stylesheet (optional). In /app/styles, or one of the subfolders, create the stylesheet file. The name should be hyphenated, end with '-view', be a sass file, and the subfolder-path should match the View's. The contents should look something like this:
  color: black

Once the files are created, add the route to /app/core/ Use the go function to wrap around the path to the view file.

You should now be able to navigate to your new route and view your new view.


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