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Nick Winter edited this page May 4, 2023 · 5 revisions

CodeCombat has a developer chat room on Slack where we hang out when we're awake. Stop by, say hi, and ask a question any time.

Absolutely no inappropriate messages are allowed in the rooms. If you would like to see the rules please go here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you help me set up my dev environment?

We'll try! It should be a cinch on Linux or Mac, but it's pretty hard to get right on Windows right now. If you can't find us for help on Windows, you might try installing it on a Linux VM. (We'll be happy when someone can take the time and help us update our Windows installer.)

What can I do to get into Google Summer of Code?

We can't guarantee whether CodeCombat will participate or how many slots we'll get (last year there were four), but if we do participate, two things are certain: 1) competition will be high, and 2) preference will have to go to those who have already been contributing to our GitHub so that we know you can be effective working with our stack. So if you'd like to get paid to hack on CodeCombat for the summer for GSoC, let's start hacking on stuff together now. (And you might want to pick a backup organization, too, in case we don't participate or there aren't enough slots.)

Why isn't this just IRC?

In our experience, IRC is often unfriendly to beginners, plus it doesn't have the nice modern protocol and easy integrations with other apps. That said, it would be nice to be able to combine IRC with something that had nice webchat for guests and a nice native client for CodeCombateers, so if you know of anything that fills the bill, let us know.

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