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Josh Callebaut edited this page Feb 3, 2016 · 2 revisions

CodeCombat scripts are a way of performing certain actions involving the playfield before anything happens. This is the area to set up the camera size as well as instantiate which music will play throughout the level. To access, go to the Scripts tab at the top of the editor and take a glance at the Introduction script.

Camera Boundaries

Look at the Surface setting inside the Introduction script. It takes two coordinates and restricts the camera to that size. Sometimes levels can be bigger than the camera boundaries. In which case the camera will automatically shift around focusing on whichever unit the player has selected.


This is to determine whether or not a level starts playing automatically. There are reasons to both do and not do this, so consider which choice best frames your level for the first time.


There are a few music choices to select from, so try them all!


Within the CodeCombat script editor it is possible to create simple conversations between characters (or as a narrator telling the player what to do and what not to do.)

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