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Calling BASIC

This example shows the capabilities of the functions to interface to the ZX Spectrum BASIC. It is possible to pass parameters and to call "subroutines".

	Interfacing to the ZX Spectrum BASIC
	demonstration on:
	 - diagnostics
	 - parameter passing
	 - code execution
	Try adding BASIC commands in line 100 and 150, like
	100 LET a$="Test": STOP
	Then, after run, try to PRINT b$


#include `<spectrum.h>`

#include `<zxcurrah.h>`
#include `<zxinterface1.h>`

#include `<stdio.h>`

char	value[100];

int main()
	if ( if1_installed() )  printf ("Interface 1 is active\n");
	if ( if1_from_mdv() )  printf ("Program loaded from microdrive\n");

	if ( currah_detect() )  printf ("CURRAH uSpeech is present\n");

	if ( zx_issue3() )
		printf ("This is a Spectrum issue 3 or more\n");
		printf ("This Spectrum is issue 1 or 2 !\n");

	if ( zx_128mode() )
		printf ("This Spectrum is working in 128K mode\n");
		printf ("This Spectrum is working in non-128K mode\n");

	printf ("Basic length: %u\n",zx_basic_length() );
	printf ("Variables area length: %u\n",zx_var_length() );
	printf ("Basic exec line 100 result: %u\n",zx_goto(100) );
	printf ("Basic exec line 150 result: %u\n",zx_goto(150) );

	zx_getstr ('a',value);
	printf ("Got string value in 'a' :  %s\n",value);

	zx_setint ("n",100);
	zx_setint ("num",1234);

	printf ("Got numeric value in 'num' :  %u\n", zx_getint ("num") );
	printf ("Got numeric value in 'n' :  %u\n", zx_getint ("n") );
	zx_setstr ('b',"This is the b$ string, which nobody can deny...");
	printf ("\n\nProgram end\n");


Running on the ZX Spectrum

Compile it with the following command:

zcc +zx -lndos -create-app -o zxbasic zxbasic.c

It will make a file named "zxbasic.tap".

Before running it you need to modify the BASIC portion:


then insert a couple of BASIC program lines:

100 LET a$="Test": STOP

Now you can restart the loader...

RUN should get an output like this:


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