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Tool z80asm command line

Paulo Custodio edited this page Jul 31, 2023 · 7 revisions

Command Line


z80asm is invoked with:

  z88dk-z80asm [options]... {file|@project}...

Command line options start with the dash -. The option name and the argument, if any, are joined together without a separator, e.g. -Idirectory.

Files are either source or object file names, or project list files preceeded by @.

An input file with a .o extension is assumed to be already in object file format and is just read by the linker. Any other extension is considered an assembly source file (conventionally .asm).

The file extension may be left out to mean either assemble the .asm file or link the .o file, depending on what file is found.

A project list file may be supplied in the command line prefixed by the at-sign (e.g. @project.lst). The list file contains input file names, project lists prefixed with an at-sign (which are opened recursively) or assembler options separated by spaces or newlines.
Hash signs (#) and semi-colons (;) cause the rest of the line to be ignored and can be used to include comments.

Both the command line and the list files support wild-cards to expand all the files that match the given pattern.

Note that the Operating System may do its own wildcard expansion and the pattern may need to be quoted in the command line.

A single star in a file name (*) expands to the list of all files/directories that match the complete pattern, where the star represents any sequence of characters. A double-star in a directory name (**) expands to the complete directory sub-tree, when searched recursively.

Both the command line and the list files support the syntax ${ENVVAR} to expand the given environment variable in the file name.

Help options:


Shows a help screen with a summary of the command line options.


Print to standard output information about what the assembler is doing and which files it is processing.

Preprocessor Options:


Swap all occurrences of the IX and IY registers, useful for architectures that reserve one of the index registers for the OS.


Add the directory PATH to the include search path from which included files are searched.


Define a symbol with the given optional value, or 1 if value is not supplied.


Convert all identifiers to upper case, useful to assemble files intended for case-insensitive assemblers.


Set the default floating point format to be used by the FLOAT directive, see SETFLOAT


Does not interpret backslash sequences and newlines inside double-quotes, i.e. a string may span multiple lines and contain any binary character except zero and the double-quote.

Code Generation Options:


Assemble for the given architecture. The following architectures are supported:

Option Description
-mz80 Z80
-mz80n Z80 variant of the ZX Next
-mgbz80 GameBoy Z80
-m8080 8080 with Zilog or Intel mnemonics
-m8085 8085 with Zilog or Intel mnemonics
-mz180 Z180
-mez80 eZ80 in 24-bit mode (ADL=1)
-mez80_z80 eZ80 in 16-bit mode (ADL=0)
-mr2ka Rabbit 2000A
-mr3k Rabbit 3000
-mti83plus TI83Plus
-mti83 TI83


Optimize for speed. Currently only replaces jr by jp, as the later are faster.


Add debug information to the .map file.



Add the directory PATH to the library search path from which library files are searched.


Create a library file named FILE.lib containing all the object files referred in the command line and included project list files.


Add FILE.lib to the list of library files to be searched to resolve undefined symbols.

Binary Output:


Write output files in the directory DIR.


If assembling-only (i.e. no -b option), generate a consolidated object file with the name FILE.

If assembling and linking (i.e. with -b option), name the output binary file FILE.


Assemble and link to binary files based on the base name of the first object file and with the .bin extension.


Normally sections that have no defined ORG are concatenated to the previous section with a defined ORG, and only these generate binary files.

This option causes every section to be stored in its own binary file.


Assemble only updated files, i.e. where the .asm file is newer than the .o file, otherwise reuse the .o file.


Relocate binary file to given address (decimal or hex). Changes the ORG of the first module to the value ADDR.


Create relocatable code, i.e. a relocation routine at the start of the code and a table of addresses to be fixed at the end of the code.


Generate a binary file.reloc with relocation information to be used by a loader.


Set the default byte value to fill in DEFS (decimal or hex).

Output File Options:


Create the symbol table file.sym with the list of defined symbols.


Create the listing file file.lis with the assembly source and the corresponding object code.


Create the address map file with the list of defined symbols, the result values after linking, and the source location where they where defined.


Create a global definition file file.def. This file contains the global symbols and their values after linking in a format that can be included from another assembly file.

Appmake Options:


These options allow appmake to be called after the linking for a few common architectures.

Option Description
+zx81 Generate ZX81 file.P file with the origin at 16514
+zx Generate ZX Spectrum file.tap file with the origin default 23760 (in a REM statement), but that can also be set with -rORG >= 24000 for placement above RAMTOP

File types

These are the file types recognized or generated by z80asm:

Extension File type
.asm source file
.o object file
.lis list file
.bin binary file
.sym symbols file
.map map file
.reloc relocation information file
.def global address definition file
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